Round table

Round table

[Original at
or at]

Na Kunstradiu, Dunaj junija 2001

Okrogla miza / Round Table

Ali je okrogla miza glasbeni ali socialni instrument? Okrogla miza je mesto komunikacije, debate, poslušanja in dejanja (dajanja?). Tako vsaj načelno velja za okrogle mize v elektronskih medijih. No, mi smo vzeli okroglo mizo dobesedno…

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Secret Life of Blobs

Secret Life of Blobs

[Original na]

The Secret Life of Blobs
by Borut Savski

The Concept

Blobs are short-lived sound creatures, which reproduce in synthetic environment & in real time. I am talking about a synthetic “biotope”, where the musical (the aesthetic) qualities give place for something which is more close to communication qualities. To speak and to be heard. Sometimes wild and sometimes quiet. I try to find and link togethe... more