Levo pogromaštvo?

Levo pogromaštvo?

[Original at http://www.cirkulacija2.org/?p=1868]

Izjava Cirkulacije 2 – skupine začasnih uporabnikov Roga

V odgovor na nekritično objavo sporočila za javnost v časniku Delo “Nadstandardni komite Rogovcev prevzel odgovornost za drzno tatvino”

Člani iniciative Cirkulacija 2 (Borut Savski, Stefan Doepner in Boštjan Leskovšek), ki od leta 2007 delujemo v začasnem prostoru v nekdanji tovarni Rog, izražamo popolno nestrinjanje nad zapisanim v sporočilu za javnost... more

Life of patterns

Life of patterns

[Original at http://www.3via.org/index.php?htm=moire_patterns]

Borut Savski: Življenje vzorcev | Life of patterns

– moire effects with computer (pd and gem)
– moire pattern generator (arduino)

Naslov je poetični opis avtonomnega interaktivnega mehatronskega omnidirekcionalnega projektorja spremenljivih vzorcev. Projekcija poteka na način dinamičnega oblikovanja svetlobnih vzorcev s pomočjo dveh superponiranih premičnih ... more

WordPress plugins

Wordpress is a well-known and widely used CMS (content managment system) i came to prefer over other solutions. While quite basic it can be implemented with all kinds of functionalities. Usually this is done by plugins. Below are some plugins that use – mostly made  on my own and/or adapted versions of existing ones.

For translations I use updated version of Polyglot plugin

Plugin that helps you make your Wordpress powered web completely multilingual. With full support... more

Flowers of Evil

Flowers of Evil
[Original at http://www.3via.org/index.php?htm=prenapete_strukture/index]

Produkcija KUD Trivia | Trivia Art Production | more pages by Borut Savski
Borut Savski – Prenapete strukture | Strained structures

Tensed Structures trio at The Gallery of Contemporary Art in Celje – group exhibition SCULPTURE TODAY IV: Performative Bodies and Spaces presented by the Center for Contemporary Arts Celje.

G... more

Cirkulacija 2: Organism of sound – Sound of organism

Cirkulacija 2: Organism of sound – Sound of organism

[Original at https://www.cirkulacija2.org/?page_id=1667]
29th May – 12th June 2013: Organism of Sound – Sound of Organism at Aksioma

Information and conceptualisation of a series of concerts/ performances in the area of sound (-> beyond the music, sound art, noise, soundscapes …). The concept was prepared by the members of Cirkulacija 2 and follows the praxis and concepts devised by them (=us) in the last couple of years. More on the concept right after n... more

Artist’s fee

[Original at http://www.ljudmila.org/odprtazbornica/?p=310]

Odprta zbornica za sodobno umetnost

Forum za samooorganizacijo posameznikov na področju vizualne, intermedijske in interdisciplinarne umetnosti

Razstavnine kot socialni korektiv?
23. May 2013

Mnenje ob prebiranju članka Razstavnine kot socialni korektiv? Lilijane Stepančič z dne 17. 05. 2013, Delo Pogledi


Na pisanje Lilijan... more

Cirkulino workshop at SGMK Zürich, etc.

Cirkulino workshop at SGMK Zürich, etc.

In May 2013 there was a couple of events with Borut Savski in Switzerland: a concert performance at Klubi experimental music club in Zürich, a week spent at Anyma hackers’ week in Fribourg and a workshop on building Cirkulino midi sequencer at SGMK Zürich. Thanks to Dusjagr!

The Anyma week was interesting as a meeting place of various diy electronics related people from all over Switzerland. A bit of insight into what they do. The gnusbuino direct midi usb series is something to focus o... more

Arduino projects

Arduino projects

These are pictures of some arduino projects by Borut Savski:

The worktable will be soon a CNC machine for softer materials (wood, plastics,…)

The workspace showing Cirkulino midi sequencer (coca-cola style), the nacibaci midi scratcher and some home-made arduinos. On second picture: recent setup from Bogdana Herman & Borut Savski performance,  16-channel midi-controller and  unfinished sound-producing mechanism at far end.

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