Apologije za Mahniča

Apologije za Mahniča

Mahničevstvo (máhničevstvo -a s (ȃ) Mahničevi kulturni in verski nazori: boj z mahničevstvom)

Čeprav je Anton Mahnič k tej štoriji pritegnjen na videz na silo, se bo, kot bomo videli, tvorno vključil v naše ljubiteljsko besedovanje o sodobnem stanju v kulturi in še posebej v umetnosti. Nadškof Mahnič, ki je prešel v slovensko kulturno zgodovino kot izrazito negativna osebnost, nima zveze z umetnikom Dominikom Mahničem, katerega razstava je razlog za materializacijo tega ... more

Vračnica in bali (Herman & Savski) 2016

Vračnica in bali (Herman & Savski) 2016
[Original at http://www.3via.org/index.php?htm=novoljudske/2016]

Novokomponirane slovenske ljudske: Vračnica in bali (Herman & Savski)

Bogdana Herman in Borut Savski sva leta 2010 zasnovala projekt Novokomponiranih slovenskih ljudskih, kar je rodilo sedem javnih koncertov in zbirni cd album. Rezultati so dostopni na spletnih mestih KUD Trivia http://www.3via.org/index.php?htm=novoljudske/index in http://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=62

V letu 2016 ... more

BorutSub | turboSub / lateral transmission line subwoofer system

BorutSub | turboSub / lateral transmission line subwoofer system

After some research of how to build a real subwoofer system for the projects at Cirkulacija 2, the two main principles emerged:
– transmission line (a quarter wavelength) principle
– and a bass-reflex principle
In both cases there is an additional tuned situation at the lower end of woofer frequency spectrum, that allows to get about an octave lower response – then the loudspeaker’s enclosure resonance allows.

The usual approach to push the loudspeaker l... more

Acoustical Engineering

Acoustical Engineering
Harry F. Olson – Acoustical Engineering

The bible of acoustics. The pdf is of a book which i read a lot at the Technical library of the University of Ljubljana in the early 1980s. First published in May 1957 – based on an earlier work entitled Elements of Acoustical Engineering, by Harry F. Olson, copyright 1940, 1947 by D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.


Doubled here with some other sites.



AND Rijeka / ATT C2 – access to tools fair

AND Rijeka / ATT C2 – access to tools fair

A double-bill event: 5/6 february 2016 in Rijeka and 9 february 2016 in Ljubljana at Cirkulacija²!

Borut Savski: small arduino systems/ gadgets

1. Cirkulino midi sequencer (interface for time and pitch sequencing with enhanced functionality)
2. XGMidi synth module with LCD to play XG midi voices
3. Moire generator of visual moire effect with high power LEDs
4. Wardenclyffe Tower sensorized sound generating piece (raspberry pi and arduino)

Access to tools and kno... more