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/are chosen excerpts from radio- and related activities I was heartily involved in. The authorship is of course of the people involved/

june 15th 1999: excerpt from the opening of the BIOTOPE installation @Kapelica Gallery Ljubljana

april 1999: Borut Savski for ARS ELECTRONICA 99 -> BIOTOPE intervention no. 1 /shortened
is a sound installation project conceived and developed by B. Savski (Slovenia) and John Grzinich (USA). Based on ideas about self-referential system model without the wish to introduce some synthetic forms of intelligence – it remains an instrument in the hands of human beings involved in interaction with the ‘mechanic’ system. True: not a very predictable instrument. While the ‘mechanic’ system is able to convert between mechanic energies, the human intervention adds the possibility to convert mechanic into poetic…
The installation/ performance will take place between 14th and 28th June 1999 in KAPELICA Gallery, Ljubljana/ Slovenia.

february 1999: Borut Savski -> midi simfonietta lacrimosa…
This ‘by-product’ is a result of a number of different soundfiles that have resulted in my 1998 explorations in the field of simple algorithmic structures based on randomized midi-controlled sequences. The production tool was Amiga 500 and dr.T’s s KCS Levell II keyboard controlled sequencing software (-> version from 1991). Some resulting midi-sequences were ported to more modern computers and their sets of samples. No editing was involved – just combining the existing soundblocks.

Thursday, 27th Nov 98: Grazer Valzer
Reni and Jogi Hoffmueller are a couple from Graz heavily involved in more extreme social and cultural activities there. Free RADIO HELSINKI in Graz (which was lost awhile ago) is still a realistic possibility for as long as they continue to think so. This soundtrack was constructed using whatever came to hands. Katarina and Borut joined in soon enough.

Sunday, 27th Sept 98: post_ARS_ELECTRONICA_trauma (the art of mixing contexts)
in Slovene language!
My view of contexts being mixed in a most uncritical manner at ARS ELECTRONICA 98 where we were to represent the result of the learning process of one year  of internet media activities which (by_the_way) uncritically turn more and more into simple radio-transmitting of music, waiting to join the real media institutions (radio-stations, newspapers, TV-stations, galleries)

Thursday, 17th Sept 98, 24.00 CET: A night with sound artist JGrzinich from Austin/Texas travelling through soundscapes of Europe
An excerpt from three hours’ long  soundscape by John Grzinich. A free description would be: soundscapes of landscapes (in view of his extensive use of ‘concrete’ sounds, layering it all according to his own poetic re-interpretation ‘of the way they used to be’). Live mix of recorded sound material was performed by the artist himself using pre-recorded sounds, some computer post-produced sounds a day before and extensive use of his & his friends’ CDs (Miroslav Rajkowski, MNortham, JGrzinich, Hans Caspar, etc…)

Saturday, 15th Avg 98, 22.00 CET to midnight: NORTH COAST NOISE COALITION (Astoria & Portland/ Oregon)
An example of an ‘asynchronous’ session (interaction between musicians was not in ‘real time’). Music & soundtracks as produced by (allround artist) Roger Hayes / ->CYANOSIS, Robert Clutter & friends /-> first two cd’s of MU label and some exclusive recordings of Roger Hayes’ live broadcast at Astoria community radio station KNMU/. The sonic excerpt was produced an hour later as a way of transcending the previous ‘formatted’ broadcast using parts from Robert Clutter’s and Roger Hayes’ CDs and especially the exclusive cassette recordings of Roger Hayes’ ARP monophonic synth. I glued it all together using the appropriate selection from my own ‘bank’ of raw sounds.

Beauty & The East (May ’97, LJUDMILA, Ljubljana)
introductory radio broadcast / 1:17:54 (including interviews with Gomma, publisher of Decoder at Milano, Peter Lamborn Wilson akka Hakim Bey) a cooperation of Josephine Bosma, Geert Lovink (both Radio Patapoe, Amsterdam), Diana McCarty, Luka Frelih (LJUDMILA), live DJing by ParaRadio, Borut Savski (MZX, Radio
Student Ljubljana).

radio play: CREATION OF THE WORLD/ The Genesis (Microsoft version) 20:58/ radioplay (in Slovene), Oct ’97
author of english original: lost in web; translation, adaptation, interpretation: Vesna Debeljak, Borut Savski; music: various (incl. Holst: Planets)

radio play: SILVER CORRIDOR / 51:24/ radioplay (in Slovene), Oct ’97
author: lost in memory; translation, adaptation, interpretation: Vesna Debeljak, live-mix & sounds: Borut Savski, Vesna Debeljak; also sounds by Caspar C.O.C./ Berlin