Pianinino Concertos & Studies

Pianinino Concertos & Studies

A music album consisting of recordings of piano concerts in theatrical performance GRACE / an attempt at touching.

Piano concertos, on the level of an electronic interface with the sound of a piano. Nevertheless, played extremely seriously in front of live audiences with around 30 to 40 visitors at each. The selection below consists of four unedited recordings of concerts performances and five studies – which to some extent deviated from the basic idea of ​​emphasizing silence... more

SUMMER SONGS (Francisco Tomsich + Borut Savski)

SUMMER SONGS (Francisco Tomsich + Borut Savski)
The Silent Movies (Francisco Tomsich – Borut Savski)

video-sound generative narrative installation
Dedicated to Simon and Boštjan

Cirkulacija 2
Podhod Ajdovščina, Ljubljana
22. marec – 6. april 2023

Opening :: Wednesday 22.3.2023, 20:00 ::: Performance: The Benshi Project: Summer Songs

Summer Songs, the second project of The Silent Movies duo, is an artistic environment comprising a series of sources of visual, sound and verbal information mutually ... more

Dislociran duh | Dislocated Spirit

Dislociran duh | Dislocated Spirit

A body and sound live collaboration-improvisation

Ples = dance: Ryuzo Fukuhara
Tolkala, bobni = percussion: Tracy Lisk
Dislocirana tolkala = percussion: Borut Savski

Recorded live at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana on 18th November 2022.
Original at https://www.cirkulacija2.org/?p=9747

Ryuzo Fukuhara:

Pristop, ki ga predlagam, je interakcija s kakovostjo stvari, približevanje predmetom po njihovih lastnih pogojih. Ples je občutek, ki ni omejen s... more

Elegy – soundtracks for a silent movie

Elegy – soundtracks for a silent movie
Elegy – soundtracks for a silent movie by Francisco Tomsich
Collaboration: Borut Savski and Francisco Tomsich

Dates: 10th to 21st July 2020 at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana Slovenia
Production: Cirkulacija 2 & Borut Savski
Project’s web: https://anticlimacus.wordpress.com/2020/07/05/11616/
Sound: http://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=80

Generative algorithmic composition excerpts based on realtime video data for Francisco Tomsich “ELEGIJA |... more

Areal Vélez, Leskovšek, Savski – Argumental Landscapes

Areal Vélez, Leskovšek, Savski – Argumental Landscapes

On the occasion of Mike Hentz’ Mental Landscapes lecture at Cirkulacija 2 – a concert occurred: Javier Areal Vélez – Argentinian composer and guitar improviser came. Claiming to be open to any kind of participation he was joined by the two local strummers: Leskovšek and Savski. The recording is very good, so we decided to put it on Trivia Records.

Title: Argumental Landscapes
Artists: Javier Areal Vélez, Boštjan Leskovšek, Borut Savski
Recorded: live on 18t... more

Newly composed songs album

Newly composed songs album

[Original at http://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=62]

Bogdana Herman Borut Savski – Newly-composed Slovene Folk Songs Audio Video > Music

Basic Information:

Title: Newly-Composed Slovene Folk Songs
Artists: Bogdana Herman and Borut Savski
Years of production: 2010 and 2011
Description: Selection of recordings from four concerts in the years of 2010 and 2011
Sound postproduction: Iztok Zupan
Production: Trivia Art Association ... more

Newly composed Slovene folk songs

Newly composed Slovene folk songs

[Original at http://www.3via.org/index.php?htm=novoljudske/index
or at https://www.turborebop.net/html.php?htm=novoljudske/index]

Bogdana Herman & Borut Savski
Novokomponirane slovenske ljudske

Bogdana Herman & Borut Savski
Newly composed Slovene folk songs

Bogdana Herman in Borut Savski od leta 2010 improvizirata z eksperimentalnim zvocnim instrumentarijem in vokaliziranjem na temo slovenskih ljudskih. Naslov ... more

Etnobanda: MetastazaB – Omnibus

Etnobanda: MetastazaB – Omnibus
[Original at http://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=33]

Etnobanda – MetastazaB – Omnibus

Project group: Etnobanda (Bogdana Herman, Stefan Doepner, Borut Savski, Milena Kosec)
Title: MetastazaB – Omnibus
Year of production: 2008
Homepage: http://www.3via.org/etnobanda

Etnobanda – Borut Savski (08:36)
Etnobanda – Stefan Doepner (12:16)
Etnobanda – Milena Kosec (09:56)
Etnobanda – B... more

Etnobanda: MetastazaA – Broken Beauty

Etnobanda: MetastazaA – Broken Beauty

[Original at http://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=18]

Etnobanda:- MetastazaA – Broken Beauty

Title: MetastazaA – Broken Beauty
Project name: Etnobanda
Authors: Bogdana Herman, Milena Kosec, Stefan Doepner, Borut Savski
Year of production: 2007

Etnobanda – ESC Graz 3 (07:34)
Etnobanda – ESC Graz 4 (08:59)
Etnobanda – Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana 2 (07:39)
Etnobanda – Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana 3 (07:31)... more

Sisters Karamazov

Sisters Karamazov
[Original at http://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=1]

Borut Savski – Sisters Karamazov Audio Video > Music

Year of production: 2006, 2007
Catalogue number: KUDT CD 001
Batch: 200
Every copy has a unique number.

List of compositions:

Borut Savski – The Bells (05:07)
Borut Savski – Virpi’s Song (03:49)
Savski – Katja’s Song (06:28)
Savski – Whispers (04:48)
... more


[Original at http://www.3via.org/index.php?htm=etnobanda/index]

Etnobanda 2007, 2008

V letu 2007 zasnovana kot Etnobanda Državice Ptičjestrašilne – MetastazaA

V letu 2008 so nastopi potekali pod imenom Etnobanda – MetastazaB

Prvi album Etnobande – MetastazaA (2007) je na voljo na spletni strani >Trivia Records / Zapisi -> …

Drugi album Etnobande – MetastazaB (2008) je na voljo na spletni strani >Trivia ... more

Problemloss Orchestra

Problemloss Orchestra

[Original at https://www.3via.org/index.php?htm=problemloss
also at https://www.turborebop.net/html.php?htm=problemloss]

2005 – 2006 (r.i.p….)

– an experimental sound performance (=concert?) project group from Slovenia…
– experimenting with sound (and objects as instruments) as metaphore…
– oth... more

Leonardo Music Journal 12: From Gdansk till Dawn

Leonardo Music Journal 12: From Gdansk till Dawn

CD kompilacija revije Leonardo Music Journal VOLUME 12 “From Gdansk till Dawn” predstavlja primere “vzhodnoevropskega” zvočnega eksperimenta (Poljska, Madžarska, Slovaška, Slovenija). Uredila sta ga avstrijska glasbena urednika Christian Scheib -> selektor festivala Musikprotokoll 2002 v Grazu in Susanna Niedermayr -> redaktorica oddaje Zeit&Ton na avstriskem nacionalnem radiu).

Everbeener – Tigrics (Hungary)
7B2 – Olga+Jozef (Slovakia)

Secret Life of Blobs

Secret Life of Blobs

[Original na https://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=6]

The Secret Life of Blobs
by Borut Savski

The Concept

Blobs are short-lived sound creatures, which reproduce in synthetic environment & in real time. I am talking about a synthetic “biotope”, where the musical (the aesthetic) qualities give place for something which is more close to communication qualities. To speak and to be heard. Sometimes wild and sometimes quiet. I try to find and link togethe... more



[Original at http://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=9]

Borut Savski – Turborebop
Year of production: 1999, 2000

About the music
The edition should be one of the more interesting historical records in the area of computer algoritmic music, since it transfers the aleatorical principals of contemporary music in the seemingly more popular area of techno music (the subtitle of the records is also “tehne” – written as Greek).... more

KAKO SE ZNEBIŠ MAČOTA? soundtrack for short movie

KAKO SE ZNEBIŠ MAČOTA? soundtrack for short movie

[original at https://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=63]

Eight different ways how a perfectly normal dog can get rid of a pesty cat intruder. The ninth option is left to the discretion and imagination of the viewer – as we know Machot the cat has nine lives…

Director: Marjan Manček
Video montaža: Janez Bricelj
Composer: Borut Savski

Length: 9min
Format: 35mm
Colors: color
Format of image: standard
Year of prod... more

Midi Conversions – Midi2Happy

Midi Conversions – Midi2Happy
Original at https://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=19
Borut Savski: Midi Conversions – Midi2Happy

Year of production: 1997 / 1998

Borut Savski – Midi2Happy – Soft (02:58)
Borut Savski – Midi2Happy – Bells (03:02)
Borut Savski – Midi2Happy – Hard (07:26)
Borut Savski – Midi2Happy – Carribean (03:56)
Borut Savski – Midi2Happy – African (03:47)


Midi Co... more


[Original at http://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=56]
Borut Savski – Konkretizacije / Concretizations

Marko Košnik participated with vocal in Violin
Production 1995, old studio of Radio Student

Concretizations are the results of some trial to introduce (again) some experimental sound production in the studios of Radio Student Ljubljana. Initiated by Borut Savski and Marko Košnik, Ex-studio became only an introduction to some o... more