The Silent Movies: After the Party

The Silent Movies: After the Party
After the Party

sound&video installation by Francisco Tomsich and Borut Savski

15th November to 6th December 2024 – workdays from 12.00 to 18.00 in Alkatraz gallery, AKC Metelkova mesto.

After the Party installation is designed specifically for the Alcatraz Gallery and its Metelkova concept. It touches the remnants of the party, the concert, the smell and sound, the images and feelings associated with the journey home or the morning af... more

Pianinino Concertos & Studies

Pianinino Concertos & Studies

A music album consisting of recordings of piano concerts in theatrical performance GRACE / an attempt at touching.

Piano concertos, on the level of an electronic interface with the sound of a piano. Nevertheless, played extremely seriously in front of live audiences with around 30 to 40 visitors at each. The selection below consists of four unedited recordings of concerts performances and five studies – which to some extent deviated from the basic idea of ​​emphasizing silence... more

Dislociran duh | Dislocated Spirit

Dislociran duh | Dislocated Spirit

A body and sound live collaboration-improvisation

Ples = dance: Ryuzo Fukuhara
Tolkala, bobni = percussion: Tracy Lisk
Dislocirana tolkala = percussion: Borut Savski

Recorded live at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana on 18th November 2022.
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Ryuzo Fukuhara:

Pristop, ki ga predlagam, je interakcija s kakovostjo stvari, približevanje predmetom po njihovih lastnih pogojih. Ples je občutek, ki ni omejen s... more

Asinchronicity & The Cloud

Asinchronicity & The Cloud

Two occasions of evolving participation between Tatiana Kocmur and Borut Savski – 2021 and 2022.

The two artists continue to explore the temporal and spatial boundaries between physical presence and the digital images. Experimentation within the physical and virtual led the artist to think about dissociation / dislocation – meaning the principle of moving away from the body / physicality. This phenomenon occurs when communicating at a distance, where physical bodies (or several of th... more

Tech for NAME: POLICIJSKA URA (-> curfew)

Tech for NAME: POLICIJSKA URA (-> curfew)

This is some help on the level of electronics and arduino programming to bring NAME:’s idea of “policijska ura” (-> curfew) to materialization.

LED lights
Name: had a large number of LED lights taken from a Lidl’s dump. Each of these led strips originally used a separate constant current driver (42V / 300mA), which was useless for this project. In the end we used a simple current limiting resistor per led strip -> 39ohms / 0.5W and one PSU block with 43Vdc (t... more

WWW=world wide ward / Elvin + Borut

WWW=world wide ward / Elvin + Borut

As part of Cirkulacija 2 at Kiblix 2020 festival nine video pieces/ performative miniatures were devised – on the topic of World Improvement Machine. On WWW (world wide ward) chapter the participants are:

Elvin Brandhi (voice, action, video montage) Borut Savski (guitar, mosaic video effect)

This collaboration was quite ad-hoc. Elvin just said: “let’s start!”, Borut picked his quitar and started…

Video was planned as a part of the concept, since it was co... more

World Improvement Machine: SELF

World Improvement Machine: SELF

As part of Kiblix 2020 festival nine video pieces/ performative miniatures were devised based on the concept of World Improvement Machine.

On SELF chapter the participants are:

Ryuzo Fukuhara (movement to drive the mosaic video projection)
Borut Savski (computer modified guitar and programming the mosaic video projection)

Homepage of the project:


Elegy – soundtracks for a silent movie

Elegy – soundtracks for a silent movie
Elegy – soundtracks for a silent movie by Francisco Tomsich
Collaboration: Borut Savski and Francisco Tomsich

Dates: 10th to 21st July 2020 at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana Slovenia
Production: Cirkulacija 2 & Borut Savski
Project’s web:

Generative algorithmic composition excerpts based on realtime video data for Francisco Tomsich “ELEGIJA |... more

Sounds cloudy

Sounds cloudy

Zvočni oblak – Sound cloud ->

Wordpress plugin – BS Sound Cumulus Plugin

Visual sound jukebox mixer based on once prolific tagcloud plugins (wp-cumulus, wp-cirrus, …). Now this is turned into random html5 player of mp3 files that the plugin finds on the site.

Some statistics is used to evenly play excerpts of audio files. Clicking on the cloud item overrides this mode and plays the whole file. You can also specify a su... more

Disinformation + Savski in Cona

Disinformation + Savski in Cona

The second performance in ZVO.ČI.TI DUO 2018 series was

Disinformation + Savski
wednesday, 21. March 2018 at 20.00
Kino Šiška, Dvorana Komuna, Ljubljana

In creating Glasovne žice| Vocal Strings, Borut Savski will duel by tearing up the local sonic soil and using homegrown algorithmic devices, while Disinformation’s Stargate will point his spikes through the active modules of electromagnetic radio noise and broadcast signals through the prism of th... more

Areal Vélez, Leskovšek, Savski – Argumental Landscapes

Areal Vélez, Leskovšek, Savski – Argumental Landscapes

On the occasion of Mike Hentz’ Mental Landscapes lecture at Cirkulacija 2 – a concert occurred: Javier Areal Vélez – Argentinian composer and guitar improviser came. Claiming to be open to any kind of participation he was joined by the two local strummers: Leskovšek and Savski. The recording is very good, so we decided to put it on Trivia Records.

Title: Argumental Landscapes
Artists: Javier Areal Vélez, Boštjan Leskovšek, Borut Savski
Recorded: live on 18t... more

Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Artist: Borut Savski
Title: Sveti trije kralji | The Three Holy Kings (from Z.B.Ø.R. event feat. Boštjan Perovšek, Marko Košnik, Borut Savski)
Recorded live at Cirkulacija 2 on 9th May 2017
Label website:

Sveti trije kralji se ne snidejo na preseku štirih vetrov, ampak treh celin – eden je črn, drugi rjav, tretji bel. Črni tleska in mljaska, ko govori, Rjavi trdo... more

Vračnica in bali (Herman & Savski) 2016

Vračnica in bali (Herman & Savski) 2016
[Original at]

Novokomponirane slovenske ljudske: Vračnica in bali (Herman & Savski)

Bogdana Herman in Borut Savski sva leta 2010 zasnovala projekt Novokomponiranih slovenskih ljudskih, kar je rodilo sedem javnih koncertov in zbirni cd album. Rezultati so dostopni na spletnih mestih KUD Trivia in

V letu 2016 ... more

Apres Midi: Posodi polni zvoka

Apres Midi: Posodi polni zvoka

Pri projektu Marka Košnika Apres Midi (Po midiju; produkcija Institut Egon March) sta nastopala dva moja objekta iz serije Plesalci – to sta Posodi polni zvoka. Za ta namen sta dobili mikroprocesorsko srce in možnost daljinske kontrole. V strukturi predstave sta morali imeti predvidljivo obnašanje. Torej malo ali nič avtonomije. V svoji zasnovi sta imeli avtonomijo kot najpomembnejšo lastnost. Kot robota pa jima je marsikaj manjkalo.

Pri predstavi so sodelovali:  Mateja Bučar, Irena... more

Cirkulacija 2: Organism of sound – Sound of organism

Cirkulacija 2: Organism of sound – Sound of organism

[Original at]
29th May – 12th June 2013: Organism of Sound – Sound of Organism at Aksioma

Information and conceptualisation of a series of concerts/ performances in the area of sound (-> beyond the music, sound art, noise, soundscapes …). The concept was prepared by the members of Cirkulacija 2 and follows the praxis and concepts devised by them (=us) in the last couple of years. More on the concept right after n... more

Nevestina harfa // Bride’s Harp

Nevestina harfa // Bride’s Harp

Nevestina harfa // BRIDE’S HARP

Avtorji: Bogdana Herman, Zvonka Simčič, Borut Savski, Franc Cegnar, Miha Tomšič

Nevestina harfa je interaktivna intermedialna audiovizualna instalacija/performans (umestitev – postavitev), ki jo skupina avtorjev, poimenovali smo se Uzvočevalci, v svojih projektih razvijamo od leta 2009. Naše raziskovanje temelji na skupnem in hkratnem ustvarjanju večih umetnikov, ki so v občutljivih interaktivnih medsebojnih razmerjih in hkrati z okoljem... more

Termenvox, theremin in/ali etervox

Termenvox,  theremin in/ali etervox

Predstavitev, delavnica: četrtek, 14. oktober 2011 od 17.00 do okoli 21.00

Termenvox ali theremin ali etervox imenujejo tudi prvi elektronski glasbeni instrument (leta 1920). Njegov izumitelj je Lev Sergejevič Termen. Seveda je neposredna posledica izuma ojačevalnega elementa (Lee de Forest, 1906-10), vendar je že tudi zlo/dobro/raba tehnologije za estetsko rabo. V zadnjem desetletju doživlja najbrž že svoj četrti ali peti ciklus ponovnega življenja, ti ciklusi pa dokaj zvesto sledijo t... more

Total Art Platform by Cirkulacija 2

Total Art Platform by Cirkulacija 2
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Total Art Platform (2010-13)

Cirkulacija 2: Platform for total art – a series of total events

After quite some efforts the Cirkulacija 2 initiative in 2010 managed to get part of the financial means for the planned series of activities, that would bring us closer to the ideal of regular activities – the only solution to overcome the leasure time – amateur – artistic activities, and might provide – for the active participa... more

XL eksperiment

XL eksperiment
Projekt XL eksperiment in drugi

Borut Savski in Bojan Andjelković sta v maju 2009 organizirala enotedensko eksperimentalno intermedijsko dogajanje XL Experiment. Produkcija Radio Študent ob 40. obletnici oddajanja. Galerija Kapelica, eter in spletna stran Radia Študent, pon – pet 4. – 8. maj 2009.

Sodelujoči: Borut Savski, Luka Prinčič, Brane Zorman, Luka Frelih, Maja Smrekar, Bojan Anđelković, Peter Kisin, Miha Tomšič, Arnold Marko, Majda Gregorič, Boštjan Leskovšek, Pr... more

Etnobanda: MetastazaB – Omnibus

Etnobanda: MetastazaB – Omnibus
[Original at]

Etnobanda – MetastazaB – Omnibus

Project group: Etnobanda (Bogdana Herman, Stefan Doepner, Borut Savski, Milena Kosec)
Title: MetastazaB – Omnibus
Year of production: 2008

Etnobanda – Borut Savski (08:36)
Etnobanda – Stefan Doepner (12:16)
Etnobanda – Milena Kosec (09:56)
Etnobanda – B... more

Etnobanda: MetastazaA – Broken Beauty

Etnobanda: MetastazaA – Broken Beauty

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Etnobanda:- MetastazaA – Broken Beauty

Title: MetastazaA – Broken Beauty
Project name: Etnobanda
Authors: Bogdana Herman, Milena Kosec, Stefan Doepner, Borut Savski
Year of production: 2007

Etnobanda – ESC Graz 3 (07:34)
Etnobanda – ESC Graz 4 (08:59)
Etnobanda – Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana 2 (07:39)
Etnobanda – Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana 3 (07:31)... more

Cirkulacija 2

Cirkulacija 2

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About Cirkulacija 2

Interdisciplinary station CIRKULACIJA 2


Cirkulacija 2 is an artists’ initiative based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The name originates from the hall that we are currently squatting – the heating station at former bicycle factory Rog. The name nicely points to the principles that we try to elaborate through our collective work: the principles of evolving our production through series of projects – and try to poi... more


[Original at]

Etnobanda 2007, 2008

V letu 2007 zasnovana kot Etnobanda Državice Ptičjestrašilne – MetastazaA

V letu 2008 so nastopi potekali pod imenom Etnobanda – MetastazaB

Prvi album Etnobande – MetastazaA (2007) je na voljo na spletni strani >Trivia Records / Zapisi -> …

Drugi album Etnobande – MetastazaB (2008) je na voljo na spletni strani >Trivia ... more

Impro concert

Impro concert

[Original at]

Sometimes there is a need to make a concert, calling up friends, and performing live as an impro band. While each time there is clearly a need for a rehearsal, I find it most problematic. This is not music – it is communication. About music we know enough already…

Performance at KUD France Prešern on 20th February 2005 (Dario Korteze, Borut Savski, Petra Tihole).

All photos by Bor... more