The Silent Movies: After the Party

sound&video installation by Francisco Tomsich and Borut Savski
15th November to 6th December 2024 – workdays from 12.00 to 18.00 in Alkatraz gallery, AKC Metelkova mesto.
After the Party installation is designed specifically for the Alcatraz Gallery and its Metelkova concept. It touches the remnants of the party, the concert, the smell and sound, the images and feelings associated with the journey home or the morning af... more
Pianinino Concertos & Studies

A music album consisting of recordings of piano concerts in theatrical performance GRACE / an attempt at touching.
Piano concertos, on the level of an electronic interface with the sound of a piano. Nevertheless, played extremely seriously in front of live audiences with around 30 to 40 visitors at each. The selection below consists of four unedited recordings of concerts performances and five studies – which to some extent deviated from the basic idea of emphasizing silence... more
Asinchronicity & The Cloud

Two occasions of evolving participation between Tatiana Kocmur and Borut Savski – 2021 and 2022.
The two artists continue to explore the temporal and spatial boundaries between physical presence and the digital images. Experimentation within the physical and virtual led the artist to think about dissociation / dislocation – meaning the principle of moving away from the body / physicality. This phenomenon occurs when communicating at a distance, where physical bodies (or several of th... more
World Improvement Machine: SELF

As part of Kiblix 2020 festival nine video pieces/ performative miniatures were devised based on the concept of World Improvement Machine.
On SELF chapter the participants are:
Ryuzo Fukuhara (movement to drive the mosaic video projection)
Borut Savski (computer modified guitar and programming the mosaic video projection)
Homepage of the project:
AI_SI touchpad Piano

AI_SI Piano stands for a midi trigger device based on a touchpad system found in any laptop computer – brought to a form of an oversimplified instrument that acts as piano. It was a fast idea from a recent real piece of a dream of mine – in dream i would just bang with my finger on a touchpad – and this sounded as a “veritable” piano…
So: again one of the projects that is not linked directly to some envisioned artistic output. But as an instrument it c... more

Twin Speaks je umetna dvojica v dialogu. Dialog je sestavljen iz gibov in glasov. Oboje izhaja iz telesa in je pri živih bitjih zlito v eno – gib povzroči glas in glas povzroči gib. Podobno je dialog abstrakcija na ravni vzajemnega odnosa, kjer zlitje poteka med dvema v dialogu vpetima stranema. Gib dobi protigib in glas dobi protiglas. Seveda se lahko v idealnem primeru glasova tudi združita v eno pesem. Ali razdružita v nepovezano besedičenje.
Opis ... more
Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Artist: Borut Savski
Title: Sveti trije kralji | The Three Holy Kings (from Z.B.Ø.R. event feat. Boštjan Perovšek, Marko Košnik, Borut Savski)
Recorded live at Cirkulacija 2 on 9th May 2017
Label website:
Sveti trije kralji se ne snidejo na preseku štirih vetrov, ampak treh celin – eden je črn, drugi rjav, tretji bel. Črni tleska in mljaska, ko govori, Rjavi trdo... more
Apologije za Mahniča

Mahničevstvo (máhničevstvo -a s (ȃ) Mahničevi kulturni in verski nazori: boj z mahničevstvom)
Čeprav je Anton Mahnič k tej štoriji pritegnjen na videz na silo, se bo, kot bomo videli, tvorno vključil v naše ljubiteljsko besedovanje o sodobnem stanju v kulturi in še posebej v umetnosti. Nadškof Mahnič, ki je prešel v slovensko kulturno zgodovino kot izrazito negativna osebnost, nima zveze z umetnikom Dominikom Mahničem, katerega razstava je razlog za materializacijo tega ... more
Tako umira Pravični II

BORUT SAVSKI – Tako umira Pravični II (zvočno-vizualna alegorija)
Sočasna uporaba algoritmičnih in nesposrednih intervencij na zvoku, računalniška glasba z originalnimi fizičnimi vmesniki, svetlobni generator moire-efekta, zapakirano v alegorično zgodbo o koncu časa.
Menda je referenca znana: Kristus na križu umira za naše grehe – alegorija arhaičnega žrtvovanja bogovom. Nasilje, ki se izvaj... more
A thing with noname?

Festival PixxelPoint 2015 – OBJEKT – 16. mednarodni festival medijskih umetnosti, Nova Gorica, 27. november – 4. december 2015
Pixxelpoint 2015: OBJECT – 16th International Media Art Festival, Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy), 27 November – 4 December 2015
The claim b... more
Wardenclyffe Tower

Zvočna instalacija/ instrument
Prva postavitev:
KIBLA PORTAL, Valvasorjeva 40
Festival 7.−9. oktober 2015
Razstava 7.−23. oktober 2015
antena s šestimi aktivnimi kovinskimi kraki, občutljivimi na intenzivnost dotika – sočasno ali posamezno, kar proizvaja zvok, oziroma spremembo zvoka. Vsak krak je svoj senzor za dotik. Zvoke igra obiskovalec, če pa obiskovalca ni, se dogaja osnovni ... more
Life of patterns

[Original at]
Borut Savski: Življenje vzorcev | Life of patterns– moire effects with computer (pd and gem)
– moire pattern generator (arduino)
Naslov je poetični opis avtonomnega interaktivnega mehatronskega omnidirekcionalnega projektorja spremenljivih vzorcev. Projekcija poteka na način dinamičnega oblikovanja svetlobnih vzorcev s pomočjo dveh superponiranih premičnih ... more
Cirkulacija 2: Organism of sound – Sound of organism

[Original at]
29th May – 12th June 2013: Organism of Sound – Sound of Organism at Aksioma
Information and conceptualisation of a series of concerts/ performances in the area of sound (-> beyond the music, sound art, noise, soundscapes …). The concept was prepared by the members of Cirkulacija 2 and follows the praxis and concepts devised by them (=us) in the last couple of years. More on the concept right after n... more
Oracle 2

[Original at]
September 2010
Orakelj II – avtoportet?
V okviru projekta Poetični nastavki korespondence z Orakljem, ki ga je zasnovala Petra Kapš, se je uvrstilo tudi interaktivno delo / skulptura Orakelj II, ki ga je na osnovi pet let starega projekta na novo postavil Borut Savski. V kratkem lahko pričakujemo še posebno stran s kompletnejšim orisom “avtoportreta”.
Napisano je bilo tudi novo besedilo o za avtorja zanimivih... more
Total Art Platform by Cirkulacija 2

Total Art Platform (2010-13)
Cirkulacija 2: Platform for total art – a series of total eventsAfter quite some efforts the Cirkulacija 2 initiative in 2010 managed to get part of the financial means for the planned series of activities, that would bring us closer to the ideal of regular activities – the only solution to overcome the leasure time – amateur – artistic activities, and might provide – for the active participa... more
Strained Structures

Produkcija KUD Trivia | Trivia Art Production | more pages by Borut Savski
Borut Savski – Prenapete strukture | Strained structures
Tensed Structures trio at The Gallery of Contemporary Art in Celje – group exhibition SCULPTURE TODAY IV: Performative Bodies and Spaces presented by the Center for Contemporary Arts Celje.
XL eksperiment

Borut Savski in Bojan Andjelković sta v maju 2009 organizirala enotedensko eksperimentalno intermedijsko dogajanje XL Experiment. Produkcija Radio Študent ob 40. obletnici oddajanja. Galerija Kapelica, eter in spletna stran Radia Študent, pon – pet 4. – 8. maj 2009.
Sodelujoči: Borut Savski, Luka Prinčič, Brane Zorman, Luka Frelih, Maja Smrekar, Bojan Anđelković, Peter Kisin, Miha Tomšič, Arnold Marko, Majda Gregorič, Boštjan Leskovšek, Pr... more
Santralistanbul notes

[Original at]
In october and part of november 2007 I (Borut Savski, Slovenia) was at residency in Istanbul, Turkey (project Light, Illumination & Electricity, Santralistanbul 2007), together with artists Adham Hafez (Egypt), Cynthia Zaven (Lebanon), Remy Rivoire, Renaud Vercey, Bruno Voillot (the three form the Collective Position from France), Marko Kovačič (Slovenia), Ceren Oykut and Cevdet Er... more

[Original at
also at]
Borut Savski – Videografika
Del dejavnosti v sklopih »evolucionarni video«, »generativni video«, »videografični principi«, »matematika jezika«… V zadnjem času tudi s pomočjo laserkih sistemov, ki jih gradimo v okviru Cirkulacije 2.
On-going preoccupation with areas described as “videographics”, “generative vide... more

Etnobanda 2007, 2008
V letu 2007 zasnovana kot Etnobanda Državice Ptičjestrašilne – MetastazaA
V letu 2008 so nastopi potekali pod imenom Etnobanda – MetastazaB
Prvi album Etnobande – MetastazaA (2007) je na voljo na spletni strani >Trivia Records / Zapisi -> …
Drugi album Etnobande – MetastazaB (2008) je na voljo na spletni strani >Trivia ... more
Fluidity of space

[ saved from]
The hardness of materials
A light / video image is projected on the dynamic (motorized) reflective object (“the reflector”) hanging from the ceiling. The reflected light is scattered all over the place. The reflector is changing its shape according to the sound in the space (the computer generated sound). The sound changes the computer generated video image.
The relatively simple projected image is changed – made mor... more
Art of Balancing

[Original at]
Borut Savski – Art of BalancingBasics:
Title: The Art of Balancing/ Umetnost lovljenja ravnotežja
Author: Borut Savski
Year: 2006 / 2007
Format: printed as a cd or dvd booklet
Language: English and Slovene
Remark: This booklet is not sold or sent separately – it can be a part of any of the author’s cd’s or dvd’s.
Borut Savski – T... more
Intermediate spaces

[Original at]
ConceptThe title Intermediate Spaces was borrowed from other usages (but almost none was conceptualized yet) for a double week long exchanges of artists with their projects from the cities of Graz and Ljubljana. Since both cities are of much the same size, they also produce similar self-sustained (urban) (sub)cultural structures. So we will most certainly see a kind of mirroring of the (human) roles and creations.
One could say that t... more