[Diskurzor 004] Konzervacija + restavracija – C2

[Diskurzor 004] Konzervacija + restavracija – C2

V torek, 9. januarja 2024 ob 17:00, vabljeni v Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova, na pogovor z Borutom Savskim, intermedijskim umetnikom, skladateljem in producentom. Pogovor bo vodil Jaka Železnikar, organizator serije Diskurzor.

MG-MSUM: https://www.mg-lj.si/si/dogodki/3863/diskurzor-004/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/154392244433134/
C2: https://www.cirkulacija2.org/
video posnetek: https://mrezni-muzej.mg-lj.si/si/mreznimuzej/3/22/?artworkid=1907

Tema po... more

Asinchronicity & The Cloud

Asinchronicity & The Cloud

Two occasions of evolving participation between Tatiana Kocmur and Borut Savski – 2021 and 2022.

The two artists continue to explore the temporal and spatial boundaries between physical presence and the digital images. Experimentation within the physical and virtual led the artist to think about dissociation / dislocation – meaning the principle of moving away from the body / physicality. This phenomenon occurs when communicating at a distance, where physical bodies (or several of th... more

Intermedia Grill 006 w / Borut Savski

Intermedia Grill 006 w / Borut Savski

Radio Terminal pripravlja serijo oddaj Intermedia Grill, v katerih predstavljamo slovenske intermedijske umetnike in jih skupaj z njihovim delom v zvoku in sliki pripeljemo na vaše zaslone.

Gost: Borut Savski


Intermedijski ustvarjalec, eksperimentalni računalniški glasbenik in skladatelj, programer in elektronik. Osnovno šolo Prule, gimnazijo Poljane in Fakulteto za elektrotehniko je obiskoval v Ljub... more

Sajam 3N / Palach Rijeka – 6+7.09.2019

Sajam 3N / Palach Rijeka – 6+7.09.2019

Borut Savski – kasni radovi / latest works

A brief moment from the event…

Sprave i objekti predvidjeni za izložbu=sajam 3N u Palach Rijeka – 6+7.09.2019

1. SI_AI midi piano (2019)

AI_SI Piano stands for a midi trigger device based on a touchpad system found in any laptop computer – brought to a form of an oversimplified instrument that acts as piano.

Piano is one of the two model instruments of 19th Cent... more

Disinformation + Savski in Cona

Disinformation + Savski in Cona

The second performance in ZVO.ČI.TI so.und.ing DUO 2018 series was

Disinformation + Savski
wednesday, 21. March 2018 at 20.00
Kino Šiška, Dvorana Komuna, Ljubljana

In creating Glasovne žice| Vocal Strings, Borut Savski will duel by tearing up the local sonic soil and using homegrown algorithmic devices, while Disinformation’s Stargate will point his spikes through the active modules of electromagnetic radio noise and broadcast signals through the prism of th... more

Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Artist: Borut Savski
Title: Sveti trije kralji | The Three Holy Kings (from Z.B.Ø.R. event feat. Boštjan Perovšek, Marko Košnik, Borut Savski)
Recorded live at Cirkulacija 2 on 9th May 2017
Label website: http://www.3via.org/records/index.php?opt=item&id=74
Website: http://www.cirkulacija2.org/?p=3732

Sveti trije kralji se ne snidejo na preseku štirih vetrov, ampak treh celin – eden je črn, drugi rjav, tretji bel. Črni tleska in mljaska, ko govori, Rjavi trdo... more

AND Rijeka / ATT C2 – access to tools fair

AND Rijeka / ATT C2 – access to tools fair

A double-bill event: 5/6 february 2016 in Rijeka and 9 february 2016 in Ljubljana at Cirkulacija²!

Borut Savski: small arduino systems/ gadgets

1. Cirkulino midi sequencer (interface for time and pitch sequencing with enhanced functionality)
2. XGMidi synth module with LCD to play XG midi voices
3. Moire generator of visual moire effect with high power LEDs
4. Wardenclyffe Tower sensorized sound generating piece (raspberry pi and arduino)

Access to tools and kno... more

Tako umira Pravični II

Tako umira Pravični II


BORUT SAVSKI – Tako umira Pravični II (zvočno-vizualna alegorija)

Sočasna uporaba algoritmičnih in nesposrednih intervencij na zvoku, računalniška glasba z originalnimi fizičnimi vmesniki, svetlobni generator moire-efekta, zapakirano v alegorično zgodbo o koncu časa.

Menda je referenca znana: Kristus na križu umira za naše grehe – alegorija arhaičnega žrtvovanja bogovom. Nasilje, ki se izvaj... more

Wardenclyffe Tower

Wardenclyffe Tower

Zvočna instalacija/ instrument

Prva postavitev:
KIBLA PORTAL, Valvasorjeva 40
Festival 7.−9. oktober 2015
Razstava 7.−23. oktober 2015


antena s šestimi aktivnimi kovinskimi kraki, občutljivimi na intenzivnost dotika – sočasno ali posamezno, kar proizvaja zvok, oziroma spremembo zvoka. Vsak krak je svoj senzor za dotik. Zvoke  igra obiskovalec, če pa obiskovalca ni, se dogaja osnovni ... more

Cirkulacija 2: Organism of sound – Sound of organism

Cirkulacija 2: Organism of sound – Sound of organism

[Original at https://www.cirkulacija2.org/?page_id=1667]
29th May – 12th June 2013: Organism of Sound – Sound of Organism at Aksioma

Information and conceptualisation of a series of concerts/ performances in the area of sound (-> beyond the music, sound art, noise, soundscapes …). The concept was prepared by the members of Cirkulacija 2 and follows the praxis and concepts devised by them (=us) in the last couple of years. More on the concept right after n... more

Nevestina harfa // Bride’s Harp

Nevestina harfa // Bride’s Harp

Nevestina harfa // BRIDE’S HARP

Avtorji: Bogdana Herman, Zvonka Simčič, Borut Savski, Franc Cegnar, Miha Tomšič

Nevestina harfa je interaktivna intermedialna audiovizualna instalacija/performans (umestitev – postavitev), ki jo skupina avtorjev, poimenovali smo se Uzvočevalci, v svojih projektih razvijamo od leta 2009. Naše raziskovanje temelji na skupnem in hkratnem ustvarjanju večih umetnikov, ki so v občutljivih interaktivnih medsebojnih razmerjih in hkrati z okoljem... more

Cirkulacija 2: Platforma za totalno umetnost

Cirkulacija 2: Platforma za totalno umetnost

Tretji del interdisciplinarne+multimedijske procesne serijalke Razširjena Cirkulacija 2: Platforma za totalno umetnost se bo vršil na festivalu PixxelPoint. Cirkulacija 2 v razširjeni zasedbi bo taborila v Mostovni. Delovala bo od ponedeljka 6. decembra do vključno petka 10. decembra 2010, od 12.00 do 24.00 vsak dan.

Sodelovali bodo naslednji avtorji: Stefan Doepner, Ksenija Čerče, Boštjan Leskovšek, Dennis Tan (Singapore/ Bremen DE), Elisa Ulian (Udine IT), Monika Glahn (Berlin... more

DeviceArt in Tokyo

DeviceArt in Tokyo
[Original at http://www.3via.org/trivia/?p=428]

September 2010

Device_art Tokyo Japan

V okviru razstave Device_art v Tokyu sodelujeta tudi dva objekta Boruta Savskega – Okrogla miza in Prenapeta struktura 3 (Ikebana).


Kontejner/Zagreb, Praksa/Ljubljana & sonic space labs/Berlin are proud to present: Device_art 3.010 Croatia_Slovenia_Japan – exhibition, performances, round table

Tokyo / 23 September – 1 October 2010 Miraikan &#... more

Borut Savski’s videos on DIVA

Borut Savski’s videos on DIVA

[Original at https://www.e-arhiv.org/diva/index.php?opt=work&id=832]

Savski, Borut No. 832 “Multimedia”
Artist: Savski, Borut
Title: Multimedia
Duration: 00:03:53
Year: 2008
Genre: Interactive Art / Installation Art / Performance / Sound Art
Production: Borut Savski
Country: Slovenia

Omnibus dokumentarnih video in fotografskih posnetkov instalacij in performansov med leti 1999 in 2008.

Druga dela:

Bo... more

Intermediate spaces

Intermediate spaces

[Original at http://www.3via.org/IntermediateSpaces/]


The title Intermediate Spaces was borrowed from other usages (but almost none was conceptualized yet) for a double week long exchanges of artists with their projects from the cities of Graz and Ljubljana. Since both cities are of much the same size, they also produce similar self-sustained (urban) (sub)cultural structures. So we will most certainly see a kind of mirroring of the (human) roles and creations.

One could say that t... more

Eye = I

Eye = I

[Original at https://www.turborebop.net/borut_galerija/index.php?folder=performances/Eye=I]

Eye = IPerformance on 20th April 2005, P74 gallery, Ljubljana Šentvid
First version of performance in september 2004 at Merano, Italy

all photos by Črt Majcen

What is the joke (the yoke)?

One eye (the b/w video monitor) is the input (on the right) and the computer generated eye is the output (on the left). The small video camera is attached to my head and transfers the... more

Bowlfuls of Sound

Bowlfuls of Sound

[original at https://www.turborebop.net/borut_galerija/index.php?folder=performances/Bowlfuls_of_Sound]

Bowlfuls of Sound | Posodi polni zvoka

Posodi polni zvoka je bila predvidena struktura nastopa v Moderni galeriji v Ljubljani (september 2005). Kljub (ponovno) problematični izvedbi (gibljiva objekta – dve posodi, nista bila končani pravočasno…), pa sama struktura drži tudi za prihodnost.

Bowlfuls of Sound is the name of the structure of event at the Modern gallery in Lj... more

Infrastrukture | Infrastructures

Infrastrukture | Infrastructures

Original at https://absurdevidence.radiostudent.si/borut/infrastructures.html

/are chosen excerpts from radio- and related activities I was heartily involved in. The authorship is of course of the people involved/

june 15th 1999: excerpt from the opening of the BIOTOPE installation @Kapelica Gallery Ljubljana

april 199... more



[Original at https://www.turborebop.net/interfaces
or at https://absurdevidence.radiostudent.si/borut/]


collaborative works (1997-1999)

documentaries (1998-1999)

narrow & broad… casts (since 1999)

audio technology (1999)

mp3 selections (1997-2000)


Sound Biotope (1999)

Sonic Point of View (2002)

Aestetic Machines (2003)

Sound as Metaphor/ Bazooka/ Electric Jesus (2004)

Oracle... more

Van Gogh TV “Piazza Virtuale” | Universcity TV

Van Gogh TV “Piazza Virtuale” | Universcity TV

Zbor udeležencev vseh lokalnih piazzet po Evropi, ki so sodelovale v projektu Van Gogh TV: Piazza Virtuale. V predspletnem času medijev so se uporabljali videofoni, ki so vendarle končali kot televizijske slike celo na satelitskem programu 3SAT. Zbor se je zgodil leta 1994 v Ženevi / Švica, tale gasilska fotka pa je že kar legendarna. Vodja slovenske odprave je bil Marko Košnik.
