Laser for Robert Lisek

Laser for Robert Lisek

This is another build. A laser set of three modules (power supply, driver module and galvo + lasers module) from China – put into enclosure. Added audio preamp for audio XY laser deflection control from computer – and some additional midi options (switching on/ off one or more of the three RGB laser modules).

On the top left: schematic swith stereo audio op-amp preamps for XY deflection galvo control
Top middle: midi input via optocoupler to arduino (Sparkfun) promini s... more

DIAcontrol midi system

DIAcontrol midi system

This system was made on order: for six dia/ slide projectors (with two pointing to one screen = three screens) and a computer controlled slide triggering sequencer.

Ordered by Puppet Theatre Maribor for performance Terrifying (director Tin Grabnar) ->

Classic midi serial connection is used to cover long distances over normal cable (-> XLR).

A web based technology was used: XAMPP server and javascript & php combination. This... more



TurboFlutes are midi interfaces / breathing – not blowing instruments. Two prototypes were built in 2020, additional work was done in the next years – along with the preparation of printed-circuit-boards, etc. – and concerts…

During the first steps of elaboration it was clear that normal tone intervals as for the flute will be used. This made up a 12-tone scale with seven buttons on top. On the bottom left-hand side one octave up transposition button was replaced by two &... more

AI_SI touchpad Piano

AI_SI touchpad Piano

AI_SI Piano stands for a midi trigger device based on a touchpad system found in any laptop computer – brought to a form of an oversimplified instrument that acts as piano. It was a fast idea from a recent real piece of a dream of mine – in dream i would just bang with my finger on a touchpad – and this sounded as a “veritable” piano…

So: again one of the projects that is not linked directly to some envisioned artistic output. But as an instrument it c... more

Cirkulino 4

Cirkulino 4
Cirkulino 4 is a midi sequencer based on Arduino UNO R3 development board. It is an advancement from previous ones – and is final. The pcb’s were ordered to be made to professional standards.

A double boot option for arduino was found – to launch it as a native midi device ->

mocoLUFA MIDI firmware for Arduino Uno -> more

IBALLS & iballs

IBALLS & iballs

For the Cirkulacija 2 project of Cultural Interfaces in 2015 i devised a spheric type of wireless interface called IBALL (the big ones) and iballs (the little ones). It is arduino based wireless midi controller of XZY position.

Originally it was used to control the turning of the XY loudspeakers which Stefan Doepner made for Cirkulacija 2 events. At the same time it was a controller to play directly on the midi input to various software.

It can be used as a transmitter/ receiver of midi t... more

XG midi synth

XG midi synth

DB50XG Yamaha daughter board bought years ago was finally used to make a stand-alone midi synthesizer – as it was envisioned. Arduino platform had to come my way – to be able to do all the little programming to be able to set the the instruments manually with rotary encoder. It is now used extensivelly.

The board can play back very high quality samples from the extended midi (XG) set of instrument sounds. While for artistic approach I prefer the co-called “de-naturized” s... more

Cirkulino workshop at SGMK Zürich, etc.

Cirkulino workshop at SGMK Zürich, etc.

In May 2013 there was a couple of events with Borut Savski in Switzerland: a concert performance at Klubi experimental music club in Zürich, a week spent at Anyma hackers’ week in Fribourg and a workshop on building Cirkulino midi sequencer at SGMK Zürich. Thanks to Dusjagr!

The Anyma week was interesting as a meeting place of various diy electronics related people from all over Switzerland. A bit of insight into what they do. The gnusbuino direct midi usb series is something to focus o... more

KAKO SE ZNEBIŠ MAČOTA? soundtrack for short movie

KAKO SE ZNEBIŠ MAČOTA? soundtrack for short movie

[original at]

Eight different ways how a perfectly normal dog can get rid of a pesty cat intruder. The ninth option is left to the discretion and imagination of the viewer – as we know Machot the cat has nine lives…

Director: Marjan Manček
Video montaža: Janez Bricelj
Composer: Borut Savski

Length: 9min
Format: 35mm
Colors: color
Format of image: standard
Year of prod... more