
[Original at https://www.turborebop.net/borut/infrastructures.html]

/are chosen excerpts from radio- and related activities I was heartily involved in -> most of the files are also in ‘zip’ form – so they can be downloaded/ recorded to a cassette (for instance) for personal use. The authorship is of course of the people involved/

june 15th 1999: excerpt from the opening of the BIOTOPE installation @Kapelica Gallery Ljubljana

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Huda ura

Huda ura
HUDA URA = HEAVY WEATHER a broadcast/netcast focusing on the improvised and algorythmic = realtime sound production aspects

…lasted until about 2014

Borut Savski (not remotely an artist!) ->

atmosferski, konkretni & ambientalni zvoki… relating very directly to the music in question); glasbena oddaja na RADIU ŠTUDENT Ljubljana 89,3 MHz kreirana po principih Ministrstva za eksperiment; music broadcast at Radio Student Ljubljana, closely related to the principles of Ministry ... more



[Original at http://absurdevidence.radiostudent.si/borut/simplemixer.html]

A simple audio mixer

A simple compressor/limiter

Advanced  simple compressor/limiter

The simple song:

It is organised as building blocks,

combined according to personal taste and need,

best if organised on a pre-drilled universal printed circuit board,

with holes for the input, output sockets, potentiometers,

all drilled into pcb,

then screwed and fixed with ... more