Huda ura

HUDA URA = HEAVY WEATHER a broadcast/netcast focusing on the improvised and algorythmic = realtime sound production aspects

…lasted until about 2014

Borut Savski (not remotely an artist!) ->

atmosferski, konkretni & ambientalni zvoki… relating very directly to the music in question); glasbena oddaja na RADIU ŠTUDENT Ljubljana 89,3 MHz kreirana po principih Ministrstva za eksperiment; music broadcast at Radio Student Ljubljana, closely related to the principles of Ministry of Experiment

vsak drugi ponedeljek ob 23.00 na voljo/ mp3 streaming at appearing every second Monday evening (23.00/11.00pm CET) since December 1998 – disappearing in 2013.

GENERAL TOPICS quest(ion)s…
improvised – human = algorythmic
human : machine relations = prosthetics?!
biologic + social systems = life?
social behaviour = intelligence?!?
mechanical + synthetic systems = mechanisms = automata?
perception of nature = perception of art?!
art = a deliberate (humane) aesthetic action?
art = (human) interpretation of nature?


broadcasts are being carried out regularly, but the real life demands are taking its (real) time….

The remains of the day… maybe still on the net:

Huda ura: Remains of the day

At the very beginning – some introductions

January 10th: C.O.CASPAR & INOX KAPELL – Parafunctional SoundTools; EXPERIMENTA
in Buenos Aires; Consumer Productions (Tasmania)..

December: Huda ura
-> hujša… bo!

December… John
jumped in to help…

November 24th: ?

November 15th: Plunderphonics…
(text by Chris Cutler -> here)

November 1st: Bob Ostertag
forgot two CDs in LJ … & Sonic Ecology/ Transformation of Noise (->
by Bill Fontana

Oktober 18th: PSYCHO
RADIO DRAMA (any old sob story will do – just combine it with right
sounds and interpretation…)

Oktober 4th: Bob
and some more
on computer music & digital instruments (-> sampler)

September 19th: avantgarde
composer Dror
presented by Masa Gedrih -> sound
(realaudio 32 Kbs streaming…)

September  5th:
News from the NorthWest/USA (UnFolkUs
by Bill Horist/ Seattle
…, Recurring Dreams by Sid Cooper/ Astoria…
thanks to Roger Hayes)

August 9th: hEXPO
summer festival (/university?)
intro/ amaterski
Super 8 filmcek
(Masa Gedrih, Borut Savski, John Grzinich)

July 26th: Darwinism
in music?!
-> papers by Jeremy Leach at the Algoritmic
Composition homepage

July 12th: eat what I have cooked-> my own burned… CDRs   —————–>

June 31st: australian sound artist PIMMON akka Paul Gough (

June 28th: BIO-UTOPIA (post-mortem examination…) some recordings /mp3 files/ available!

June 14th: BIOTOPE
installation/pre-performance trial @Kapelica (a direct local broadcast
from the site)

May 31st: free-impro from Switzerland: LILITH (Margrit Rieben, Hans Burgener, Ursula Hofmann)@
for 4 ears records 1994; CIELETERRA (Fredi Luescher, Margrit Rieben, Christin
Wildbolz) @ altrisuoni; throughout: a debate on improvised and algorithmic,
synthetic sounds and natural acoustics by Borut Savski and John Grzinich

May 17th: Andrew Garton (also EPC) and his KOAN (software) produced generative music/
an impro- jewell: Dror Feiler& TooMuchTooSoonOrchestra/  remote productions: Markus
RAF reminiscences

May 12th concert@Kapelica:
(Sergio Messina / Milano, Ludwig Zeininger
/ Wien, Andrew Garton and special guest John Powers / both Melbourne) broadcast
on fm (RADIO STUDENT) & netcast = a recording of a concert now available!

May 3rd: public rehearsal (in Vienna) of Electro Pathologic Consort
…information on the past was lost dealing with real time activities

a selection of mp3 files of my electronic and acoustic music explorations…

(mp3 playlists)

algorithmic studies

sodelovanja/ collaborations…

različni zvočni arhivi/ various archives:


V redni program RŠ prenesti zelo osebne preference, predvsem na glasbenem področju in s tem povezanem tehnološkemu/medijskemu. Uvajam torej sedaj nastajajočo radikalno zvočno sceno, ki jo je teško vmestiti celo v muziko, kaj šele kam drugam, zato pa jo imenujmo kar zvočna umetnost.

Neposredneje povezati radijski medij z internetovskim, ki sta sicer nekonformna, pa hvalabogu komplementarna. Kreirati mednarodno mailing listo zainteresiranih. ‘On-line’ arhiv oddaj
in lastnih produkcij.

Vse to početi na način produkcije in se pri tem ogniti pasti ‘predstavljanja/reprodukcije’ produktov založb po službeni dolžnosti brez kanca ljubiteljskega. Uporabljati avtorsko glasbo nastajajočo med mednarodno skupino znancev/sodelavcev.

Golo faktografijo razširiti na polja idej, ki predstojijo predstavljanemu, spregovoriti tudi marsikatero o principih, ki so pri novi muziki pogosto v raziskovanju tehnoloških možnostih, še posebej v pristopih, ki uporabljajo računalniško algoritmično muziciranje

Ob priložnostih predati termin v roke drugemu kreatorju/producentu v tej estetski sferi. Občasno kombinirati radijsko oddajanje s povezavo s fizičnim prostorom (-> Galerija Kapelica). Radijsko dejavnost bi bilo ugodno razširiti z maloštevilno distribucijo zanimivih muzik, organizirati kakšno neposredno muzično akcijo v galeriji, klubu. Skratka: upati, da bi se lahko nekako diferencirala/identificirala aktivna družbica na tem interesnem področju.

regular Monday night broadcast on the topic of electronic music, self-generative systems of sounds,  exemplifying technology and media approaches.

plant a seed of contemporary radical sound art micro-scene, which evades the definitions of ‘music’

internationalize this scene by the use of internet media – combining the local radio with the non-comforming (but luckily complementary) internet, bilingual approach (CE English),
mailing list for the people involved.

make a sound archive available for public download

evade the dangers of representationism, an important part is a production process, going on either at ‘home’ or at some remote production place.

factographic approach should be reduced to minimum, replaced by synthetic thinking – ideas, principles which predestined the sound work.

combine the real and ethereal places (gallery,…), provide the micro-distribution among people involved – the scene itself.