Concepts are texts


Pianinino Concertos & Studies

Pianinino Concertos & Studies

Glasbeni album sestavljen iz posnetkov klavirskih koncertov v predstavi MILOST/ poskus nekega dotika. 

Klavirski koncerti na ravni elektronskega vmesnika z zvokom klavirja. Kljub temu odigrano skrajno resno pred živimi publikami z vsakič okoli 30 do 40 obiskovalci. Spodnji izbor sestavljajo štirje celoviti posnetki izvedenih koncertov in pet študij, ki so se do neke mere lahko izvile stran od osnovne ideje poudarjanja tišine in nedorečenosti fraz.

Izhodišča za moj konce... more

Huda ura: Remains of the day

Huda ura: Remains of the day

Here are some remains of my Huda ura | Heavy weather radio broadcasts_netcasts from the archives of Radio Student Ljubljana


20100927 HUDA URA.mp3 Size: 63,269 MB

20100201 huda ura.mp3 Size: 115,657 MB

20101206 HUDA URA.mp3Size: 78,772 MB

20100510 huda ura.mp3Size: 59,371 MB


20111211 HUDA URA (2h 35).mp3Size: 298,487 MB

20110404 HUDA URA (1h 05).mp3 Size: 93,609 MB

20110207 HUDA URA.mp3Size: 85,663 MB

20111017 HU... more

AI_SI touchpad Piano

AI_SI touchpad Piano

AI_SI Piano stands for a midi trigger device based on a touchpad system found in any laptop computer – brought to a form of an oversimplified instrument that acts as piano. It was a fast idea from a recent real piece of a dream of mine – in dream i would just bang with my finger on a touchpad – and this sounded as a “veritable” piano…

So: again one of the projects that is not linked directly to some envisioned artistic output. But as an instrument it c... more



Twin Speaks je umetna dvojica v dialogu. Dialog je sestavljen iz gibov in glasov. Oboje izhaja iz telesa in je pri živih bitjih zlito v eno – gib povzroči glas in glas povzroči gib. Podobno je dialog abstrakcija na ravni vzajemnega odnosa, kjer zlitje poteka med dvema v dialogu vpetima stranema. Gib dobi protigib in glas dobi protiglas. Seveda se lahko v idealnem primeru glasova tudi združita v eno pesem. Ali razdružita v nepovezano besedičenje.

Opis ... more

Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Artist: Borut Savski
Title: Sveti trije kralji | The Three Holy Kings (from Z.B.Ø.R. event feat. Boštjan Perovšek, Marko Košnik, Borut Savski)
Recorded live at Cirkulacija 2 on 9th May 2017
Label website:

Sveti trije kralji se ne snidejo na preseku štirih vetrov, ampak treh celin – eden je črn, drugi rjav, tretji bel. Črni tleska in mljaska, ko govori, Rjavi trdo... more

Apologije za Mahniča

Apologije za Mahniča

Mahničevstvo (máhničevstvo -a s (ȃ) Mahničevi kulturni in verski nazori: boj z mahničevstvom)

Čeprav je Anton Mahnič k tej štoriji pritegnjen na videz na silo, se bo, kot bomo videli, tvorno vključil v naše ljubiteljsko besedovanje o sodobnem stanju v kulturi in še posebej v umetnosti. Nadškof Mahnič, ki je prešel v slovensko kulturno zgodovino kot izrazito negativna osebnost, nima zveze z umetnikom Dominikom Mahničem, katerega razstava je razlog za materializacijo tega ... more

Tako umira Pravični II

Tako umira Pravični II


BORUT SAVSKI – Tako umira Pravični II (zvočno-vizualna alegorija)

Sočasna uporaba algoritmičnih in nesposrednih intervencij na zvoku, računalniška glasba z originalnimi fizičnimi vmesniki, svetlobni generator moire-efekta, zapakirano v alegorično zgodbo o koncu časa.

Menda je referenca znana: Kristus na križu umira za naše grehe – alegorija arhaičnega žrtvovanja bogovom. Nasilje, ki se izvaj... more

Stvar brez imena?

Stvar brez imena?

Festival PixxelPoint 2015 – OBJEKT – 16. mednarodni festival medijskih umetnosti, Nova Gorica,  27. november – 4. december 2015
Pixxelpoint 2015: OBJECT – 16th International Media Art Festival, Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy), 27 November – 4 December 2015

“Media art no longer exists. Medijske umetnosti ni več. Non esiste più. Gibst nicht mehr. Ne existe plus.” Igor Štromajer, para-curator.

The claim b... more

Wardenclyffe Tower

Wardenclyffe Tower

Zvočna instalacija/ instrument

Prva postavitev:
KIBLA PORTAL, Valvasorjeva 40
Festival 7.−9. oktober 2015
Razstava 7.−23. oktober 2015


antena s šestimi aktivnimi kovinskimi kraki, občutljivimi na intenzivnost dotika – sočasno ali posamezno, kar proizvaja zvok, oziroma spremembo zvoka. Vsak krak je svoj senzor za dotik. Zvoke  igra obiskovalec, če pa obiskovalca ni, se dogaja osnovni ... more

Življenje vzorcev

Življenje vzorcev
[Original at]

Borut Savski: Življenje vzorcev | Life of patterns

– moire effects with computer (pd and gem)
– moire pattern generator (arduino)

Naslov je poetični opis avtonomnega interaktivnega mehatronskega omnidirekcionalnega projektorja spremenljivih vzorcev. Projekcija poteka na način dinamičnega oblikovanja svetlobnih vzorcev s pomočjo dveh superponiranih ... more

Total Art Platform by Cirkulacija 2

Total Art Platform by Cirkulacija 2
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Total Art Platform (2010-13)

Cirkulacija 2: Platform for total art – a series of total events

After quite some efforts the Cirkulacija 2 initiative in 2010 managed to get part of the financial means for the planned series of activities, that would bring us closer to the ideal of regular activities – the only solution to overcome the leasure time – amateur – artistic activities, and might provide – for the active pa... more

Orakelj 2

Orakelj 2
[Original at]

September 2010

Orakelj II – avtoportet?

V okviru projekta Poetični nastavki korespondence z Orakljem, ki ga je zasnovala Petra Kapš, se je uvrstilo tudi interaktivno delo / skulptura Orakelj II, ki ga je na osnovi pet let starega projekta na novo postavil Borut Savski. V kratkem lahko pričakujemo še posebno stran s kompletnejšim orisom “avtoportreta”.

Napisano je bilo tudi novo besedilo o za avtorja zanim... more



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Prenapete strukture

Prenapete strukture
[Original at]

Produkcija KUD Trivia | Trivia Art Production | more pages by Borut Savski
Borut Savski – Prenapete strukture | Strained structures

Tensed Structures trio at The Gallery of Contemporary Art in Celje – group exhibition SCULPTURE TODAY IV: Performative Bodies and Spaces presented by the Center for Contemporary Arts Celje.




[Original at]

In october and part of november 2007 I (Borut Savski, Slovenia) was at residency in Istanbul, Turkey (project Light, Illumination & Electricity, Santralistanbul 2007), together with artists Adham Hafez (Egypt), Cynthia Zaven (Lebanon), Remy Rivoire, Renaud Vercey, Bruno Voillot (the three form the Collective Position from France), Marko Kovačič (Slovenia), Ceren Oykut and Cevdet Er... more



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also at]

Borut Savski – Videografika

Del dejavnosti v sklopih »evolucionarni video«, »generativni video«, »videografični principi«, »matematika jezika«… V zadnjem času tudi s pomočjo laserkih sistemov, ki jih gradimo v okviru Cirkulacije 2.

On-going preoccupation with areas described as “videographics”, “generative vide... more


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Etnobanda 2007, 2008

V letu 2007 zasnovana kot Etnobanda Državice Ptičjestrašilne – MetastazaA

V letu 2008 so nastopi potekali pod imenom Etnobanda – MetastazaB

Prvi album Etnobande – MetastazaA (2007) je na voljo na spletni strani >Trivia Records / Zapisi -> …

Drugi album Etnobande – MetastazaB (2008) je na voljo na spletni strani >Trivia ... more

Fluidity of space

Fluidity of space

[ saved from]

The hardness of materials

A light / video image is projected on the dynamic (motorized) reflective object (“the reflector”) hanging from the ceiling. The reflected light is scattered all over the place. The reflector is changing its shape according to the sound in the space (the computer generated sound). The sound changes the computer generated video image.

The relatively simple projected image is changed – made mor... more

Art of Balancing

Art of Balancing
[Original at]

Borut Savski – Art of Balancing


Title: The Art of Balancing/ Umetnost lovljenja ravnotežja
Author: Borut Savski
Year: 2006 / 2007
Format: printed as a cd or dvd booklet
Language: English and Slovene

Remark: This booklet is not sold or sent separately – it can be a part of any of the author’s cds or dvds.


Borut Savski –... more

The Language of Art…

[saved from]

Introduction to contemporary art…

There is an old saying in most of the languages: “actions speak louder than words”, and also: “picture tells more than a thousand words”…

Of course, this is wrong, since it is with words that we speak – not with pictures or actions. With picture (images) we can see and imagine, and with actions we can act – do things. But here I am simplifying on purpose: communicatio... more

Vmesni prostori

Vmesni prostori
[Original at]


The title Intermediate Spaces was borrowed from other usages (but almost none was conceptualized yet) for a double week long exchanges of artists with their projects from the cities of Graz and Ljubljana. Since both cities are of much the same size, they also produce similar self-sustained (urban) (sub)cultural structures. So we will most certainly see a kind of mirroring of the (human) roles and creations.


Distribuirano telo

Distribuirano telo

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Distribuirana telesa / identitete / sistemi

21st December, one-day long sound installation Distributed body at Mala galerija in Ljubljana (part of the one-month of events called Oscillations). Two computers playing algorithms made in Pure Data and a number of interconnections (audio feedback, midi-control, contact-sensors,…). Here are parts of identities as sound&#... more



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also at]

Borut Savski – tretja od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – third of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore

Dancer / Plesalec

Dancer was presented at Kapelica Gallery/ Ljubljana on 17th of February, after a delay of a week, when an uncontrollable rotation tear out the ... more

Eye = I

Eye = I

[Original at]

Eye = IPerformance on 20th April 2005, P74 gallery, Ljubljana Šentvid
First version of performance in september 2004 at Merano, Italy

all photos by Črt Majcen

What is the joke (the yoke)?

One eye (the b/w video monitor) is the input (on the right) and the computer generated eye is the output (on the left). The small video camera is attached to my head and transfers the... more

Električni Jezus 2

Električni Jezus 2
[Original at]

Electric Jesus IIFirst occasion of Electric Jesus appeared at the TURNING SOUNDS 2 seminar, Warzsawa, may 2004. Check this link or here ../zvok_kot_metafora/.

Ideas are more or less the same, only that in this new materialization some more relations emerged. Together with some new reveletions related to the (conceptual)... more

Posodi polni zvoka

Posodi polni zvoka

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Bowlfuls of Sound | Posodi polni zvoka

Posodi polni zvoka je bila predvidena struktura nastopa v Moderni galeriji v Ljubljani (september 2005). Kljub (ponovno) problematični izvedbi (gibljiva objekta – dve posodi, nista bila končani pravočasno…), pa sama struktura drži tudi za prihodnost.

Bowlfuls of Sound is the name of the structure of event at the Modern galler... more

Problemloss Orchestra

Problemloss Orchestra

[Original at
also at]

2005 – 2006 (r.i.p….)

– an experimental sound performance (=concert?) project group from Slovenia…
– experimenting with sound (and objects as instruments) as metaphore…
– othe... more



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Borut Savski – Orakelj / Oracle

Žanr: Interaktivna zvočno-vizualna instalacija (postavitev)
Interactive sound&visual installation

as built & presented in december 2004/ january 2005 at Kiberpipa, Ljubljana

As seen during the building process in december 2004 What is mis... more

Zvok kot metafora

Zvok kot metafora

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also at]

Zvok kot metafora = Sound as Metaphore

object as concept – space as context
formation of an object (construction of conceptual body)
when does an object become a context (-> object is a space)
story as object translated back to time
Myth = meat
God = good
Man = mean

by B. SAVSK... more

Električni Jezus

Električni Jezus

[Original at
also at]

Borut Savski – druga od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – second of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore


Instalacijo sem zgradil neposredno med 45-minutnim (meta) predavanjem, ki je bilo že prej označeno kot performens. Objekt je bil le delno delujoč, vendar je b... more

Orožje orodje

Orožje orodje
[Original at]

Borut Savski – prva od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – first of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore


at the SKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, february 2004

Prav zanimivo je, kakšne identitete (oziroma pomeni) so se pojavljali pri realiziranju tega zadnjega projekta, ki je pravzaprav lepljenka – kolaž marsikate... more



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Borut Savski – Turborebop
Year of production: 1999, 2000

Borut Savski – Turbo Hardbop (08:16) Download
Borut Savski – Turbo Drive (13:38) Download
Borut Savski – Turbo Rebop (13:34) Download
Borut Savski – Turbo Music (05:13) Download
Borut Savski – Turbo Happy (return) (09:55) Download

About the music

The edition should be one of th... more

Midi Conversions – Midi2Happy

Midi Conversions – Midi2Happy
[Original at]

Borut Savski: Midi Conversions – Midi2Happy

Year of production: 1997 / 1998

Borut Savski – Midi2Happy – Soft (02:58)
Borut Savski – Midi2Happy – Bells (03:02)
Borut Savski – Midi2Happy – Hard (07:26)
Borut Savski – Midi2Happy – Carribean (03:56)
Borut Savski – Midi2Happy – African (03:47)

Concept:... more