
Pianinino Concertos & Studies

Pianinino Concertos & Studies

Glasbeni album sestavljen iz posnetkov klavirskih koncertov v predstavi MILOST/ poskus nekega dotika. 

Klavirski koncerti na ravni elektronskega vmesnika z zvokom klavirja. Kljub temu odigrano skrajno resno pred živimi publikami z vsakič okoli 30 do 40 obiskovalci. Spodnji izbor sestavljajo štirje celoviti posnetki izvedenih koncertov in pet študij, ki so se do neke mere lahko izvile stran od osnovne ideje poudarjanja tišine in nedorečenosti fraz.

Izhodišča za moj konce... more

Elegy – soundtracks for a silent movie

Elegy – soundtracks for a silent movie
Elegy – soundtracks for a silent movie by Francisco Tomsich
Collaboration: Borut Savski and Francisco Tomsich

Dates: 10th to 21st July 2020 at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana Slovenia
Production: Cirkulacija 2 & Borut Savski
Project’s web:

Generative algorithmic composition excerpts based on realtime video data for Francisco Tomsich “ELEGIJA |... more

AI_SI touchpad Piano

AI_SI touchpad Piano

AI_SI Piano stands for a midi trigger device based on a touchpad system found in any laptop computer – brought to a form of an oversimplified instrument that acts as piano. It was a fast idea from a recent real piece of a dream of mine – in dream i would just bang with my finger on a touchpad – and this sounded as a “veritable” piano…

So: again one of the projects that is not linked directly to some envisioned artistic output. But as an instrument it c... more

Zvočno oblačno

Zvočno oblačno

Zvočni oblak – Sound cloud ->

Wordpress plugin – BS Sound Cumulus Plugin

Visual sound jukebox mixer based on once prolific tagcloud plugins (wp-cumulus, wp-cirrus, …). Now this is turned into random html5 player of mp3 files that the plugin finds on the site.

Some statistics is used to evenly play excerpts of audio files. Clicking on the cloud item overrides this mode and plays the whole file. You can also specify a su... more

Disinformation + Savski in Cona

Disinformation + Savski in Cona

Drugi koncertni del cikla ZVO.ČI.TI DUO 2018 sta se v nadaljevanju zvočnih raziskovanj, spajanj in potovanj predstavila

Disinformation + Savski
sreda, 21. Marec 2018 ob 20.00
Kino Šiška, Dvorana Komuna

Predstavila se nam bosta zvočna, intermedijska prvaka in raziskovalca elekričnih analognih in digitalnih impulzov ter senzoričnih aparatur.

Borut Savski se bo v kreiranju kompozicije Glasovne žice v duel spustil z razrivanjem rodne zvočne grude... more

Passive audio limiter

Passive audio limiter

It happens that experimental approaches have victims. These are amplifiers and especially loudspeakers. Two amplifiers and a couple of loudspeakers of Cirkulacija 2 are now dead. What was needed is an effective audio compressor/ limiter. This is it. After recent changes seems to work well.

The nature of limiter is that it instantly changes the amplification factor – the moment the input peak signal surpasses a certain voltage level – all the sound is than pushed down at the output. T... more

Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

Artist: Borut Savski
Title: Sveti trije kralji | The Three Holy Kings (from Z.B.Ø.R. event feat. Boštjan Perovšek, Marko Košnik, Borut Savski)
Recorded live at Cirkulacija 2 on 9th May 2017
Label website:

Sveti trije kralji se ne snidejo na preseku štirih vetrov, ampak treh celin – eden je črn, drugi rjav, tretji bel. Črni tleska in mljaska, ko govori, Rjavi trdo... more

Vračnica in bali (Herman & Savski) 2016

Vračnica in bali (Herman & Savski) 2016
[Original at]

Novokomponirane slovenske ljudske: Vračnica in bali (Herman & Savski)

Bogdana Herman in Borut Savski sva leta 2010 zasnovala projekt Novokomponiranih slovenskih ljudskih, kar je rodilo sedem javnih koncertov in zbirni cd album. Rezultati so dostopni na spletnih mestih KUD Trivia in

V letu 2016 ... more

Tako umira Pravični II

Tako umira Pravični II


BORUT SAVSKI – Tako umira Pravični II (zvočno-vizualna alegorija)

Sočasna uporaba algoritmičnih in nesposrednih intervencij na zvoku, računalniška glasba z originalnimi fizičnimi vmesniki, svetlobni generator moire-efekta, zapakirano v alegorično zgodbo o koncu časa.

Menda je referenca znana: Kristus na križu umira za naše grehe – alegorija arhaičnega žrtvovanja bogovom. Nasilje, ki se izvaj... more

IBALLS & iballs

IBALLS & iballs

For the Cirkulacija 2 project of Cultural Interfaces in 2015 i devised a spheric type of wireless interface called IBALL (the big ones) and iballs (the little ones). It is arduino based wireless midi controller of XZY position.

Originally it was used to control the turning of the XY loudspeakers which Stefan Doepner made for Cirkulacija 2 events. At the same time it was a controller to play directly on the midi input to various software.

It can be used as a transmitter/ receiver of midi t... more

XG midi synth

XG midi synth

DB50XG Yamaha daughter board bought years ago was finally used to make a stand-alone midi synthesizer – as it was envisioned. Arduino platform had to come my way – to be able to do all the little programming to be able to set the the instruments manually with rotary encoder. It is now used extensivelly.

The board can play back very high quality samples from the extended midi (XG) set of instrument sounds. While for artistic approach I prefer the co-called “de-naturized” s... more