AND Rijeka / ATT C2 – access to tools fair


Jurij je svojo serenado posvetil Sendi

A double-bill event: 5/6 february 2016 in Rijeka and 9 february 2016 in Ljubljana at Cirkulacija²!

Borut Savski: small arduino systems/ gadgets

1. Cirkulino midi sequencer (interface for time and pitch sequencing with enhanced functionality)
2. XGMidi synth module with LCD to play XG midi voices
3. Moire generator of visual moire effect with high power LEDs
4. Wardenclyffe Tower sensorized sound generating piece (raspberry pi and arduino)

Access to tools and knowledge that new communication technologies will bring about was at the root of what the techno-hippies of the 70s were declaring. Half a century later the reality is not quite such. People have been reduced to mere users of “user friendly” technologies – technologies to be used and not understood. Appropriating, dismantling and creatively reinventing these “tools” is the only way to resist their biases, and ultimately to understand them. Open source-code is the key to knowledge and the unlocking of technologies.

The event is in conjunction with AND Fair Rijeka, that will happen on 5–6 February 2016 at Filodrammatica gallery in Rijeka, organized by Drugo more (HR) in collaboration with Aksioma and Abandon Normal Devices (UK).

Ljubljana situation takes place starting from 5pm on Tuesday 9th february 2016 at Cirkulacija², Tobačna 5. The place will be heated! In Ljubljana we will have one day of presentation and a performance final party in the night.

The Access to Tools Fair is dedicated to exploring how technologies create new forms of social dialogue. The fair is a new media art and performative event inspired by AND Fair, first proposed in 2014 by Abandon Normal Devices for the AND festival in Liverpool where, much like the World Fairs of old, inventors could showcase new inventions and discoveries. The aim is to create a “Device Based Fair / Event,” a Temporary Autonomous Zone where experimental products (goods?) are exhibited and exchanged, new relationships are established, and audiences learn from the creators and are introduced to new products.