
Huda ura: Remains of the day

Huda ura: Remains of the day

Here are some remains of my Huda ura | Heavy weather radio broadcasts_netcasts from the archives of Radio Student Ljubljana


20100927 HUDA URA.mp3 Size: 63,269 MB

20100201 huda ura.mp3 Size: 115,657 MB

20101206 HUDA URA.mp3Size: 78,772 MB

20100510 huda ura.mp3Size: 59,371 MB


20111211 HUDA URA (2h 35).mp3Size: 298,487 MB

20110404 HUDA URA (1h 05).mp3 Size: 93,609 MB

20110207 HUDA URA.mp3Size: 85,663 MB

20111017 HU... more

Apologije za Mahniča

Apologije za Mahniča

Mahničevstvo (máhničevstvo -a s (ȃ) Mahničevi kulturni in verski nazori: boj z mahničevstvom)

Čeprav je Anton Mahnič k tej štoriji pritegnjen na videz na silo, se bo, kot bomo videli, tvorno vključil v naše ljubiteljsko besedovanje o sodobnem stanju v kulturi in še posebej v umetnosti. Nadškof Mahnič, ki je prešel v slovensko kulturno zgodovino kot izrazito negativna osebnost, nima zveze z umetnikom Dominikom Mahničem, katerega razstava je razlog za materializacijo tega ... more

Reality show

Reality show
[Original at]

WEB 2.0: Reality Show (2009)

Cirkulacija 2 as a part of Netart Community Convention (NCC), from 24th to 29th November, 2009 uin Graz – at multimedia lab MedienKunstLabor in KunstHaus Graz. The topic of NCC is web 2.0 critical discourse (the mass phenomena of web logs and of social nets), and lets try to find some points for further thinking.

Circulation and WEB 2.0 – Reality Show

... more

Precarious dreams: Rog factory

Precarious dreams: Rog factory
[Original at]

A few observations about the squatted Rog factory in Ljubljana

/for the seminary Precarious spaces/dreams, Graz 3rd, September 2009 /

First of all I have to state that I am not an official representative of Rog but a member of one of the initiatives that occupies a space in Rog – the Cirkulacija 2. This statement also reveals the ideologic situation in the ex... more

Art of Balancing

Art of Balancing
[Original at]

Borut Savski – Art of Balancing


Title: The Art of Balancing/ Umetnost lovljenja ravnotežja
Author: Borut Savski
Year: 2006 / 2007
Format: printed as a cd or dvd booklet
Language: English and Slovene

Remark: This booklet is not sold or sent separately – it can be a part of any of the author’s cds or dvds.


Borut Savski –... more

Sound as metaphor

Sound as metaphor

[Original at
also at]

Zvok kot metafora = Sound as Metaphore

object as concept – space as context
formation of an object (construction of conceptual body)
when does an object become a context (-> object is a space)
story as object translated back to time
Myth = meat
God = good
Man = mean

by B. SAVSK... more