Metaphorical objects


Tech for NAME: POLICIJSKA URA (-> curfew)

Tech for NAME: POLICIJSKA URA (-> curfew)

This is some help on the level of electronics and arduino programming to bring NAME:’s idea of “policijska ura” (-> curfew) to materialization.

LED lights
Name: had a large number of LED lights taken from a Lidl’s dump. Each of these led strips originally used a separate constant current driver (42V / 300mA), which was useless for this project. In the end we used a simple current limiting resistor per led strip -> 39ohms / 0.5W and one PSU block with 43Vdc (to... more



Twin Speaks je umetna dvojica v dialogu. Dialog je sestavljen iz gibov in glasov. Oboje izhaja iz telesa in je pri živih bitjih zlito v eno – gib povzroči glas in glas povzroči gib. Podobno je dialog abstrakcija na ravni vzajemnega odnosa, kjer zlitje poteka med dvema v dialogu vpetima stranema. Gib dobi protigib in glas dobi protiglas. Seveda se lahko v idealnem primeru glasova tudi združita v eno pesem. Ali razdružita v nepovezano besedičenje.

Opis ... more

AND Rijeka / ATT C2 – access to tools fair

AND Rijeka / ATT C2 – access to tools fair

A double-bill event: 5/6 february 2016 in Rijeka and 9 february 2016 in Ljubljana at Cirkulacija²!

Borut Savski: small arduino systems/ gadgets

1. Cirkulino midi sequencer (interface for time and pitch sequencing with enhanced functionality)
2. XGMidi synth module with LCD to play XG midi voices
3. Moire generator of visual moire effect with high power LEDs
4. Wardenclyffe Tower sensorized sound generating piece (raspberry pi and arduino)

Access to tools and kno... more

IBALLS & iballs

IBALLS & iballs

For the Cirkulacija 2 project of Cultural Interfaces in 2015 i devised a spheric type of wireless interface called IBALL (the big ones) and iballs (the little ones). It is arduino based wireless midi controller of XZY position.

Originally it was used to control the turning of the XY loudspeakers which Stefan Doepner made for Cirkulacija 2 events. At the same time it was a controller to play directly on the midi input to various software.

It can be used as a transmitter/ receiver of midi t... more

A thing with noname?

A thing with noname?

Festival PixxelPoint 2015 – OBJEKT – 16. mednarodni festival medijskih umetnosti, Nova Gorica,  27. november – 4. december 2015
Pixxelpoint 2015: OBJECT – 16th International Media Art Festival, Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy), 27 November – 4 December 2015

“Media art no longer exists. Medijske umetnosti ni več. Non esiste più. Gibst nicht mehr. Ne existe plus.” Igor Štromajer, para-curator.

The claim b... more

Wardenclyffe Tower

Wardenclyffe Tower

Zvočna instalacija/ instrument

Prva postavitev:
KIBLA PORTAL, Valvasorjeva 40
Festival 7.−9. oktober 2015
Razstava 7.−23. oktober 2015


antena s šestimi aktivnimi kovinskimi kraki, občutljivimi na intenzivnost dotika – sočasno ali posamezno, kar proizvaja zvok, oziroma spremembo zvoka. Vsak krak je svoj senzor za dotik. Zvoke  igra obiskovalec, če pa obiskovalca ni, se dogaja osnovni ... more

Reminiscence na Prenapete strukture

Reminiscence na Prenapete strukture


V produkciji zavoda Gulag sem v letu 2014 prenovil del serije Prenapetih struktur, ki so gostovale najprej avgusta na kratki razstavi v Kranju in nato še za krajši čas septembra v Mariboru. Na sliki je Drevo življenja.


Na drugi sliki so Rože zla. Tretja stvar je bila nova, poimenovana Kača, vendar se razen na otvoritvi v Kranju ni izkazala. Verjetno je čas, da se s to serijo konča. Problemi se še najbolj tičejo razlik med digitalnim načinom... more

Life of patterns

Life of patterns
[Original at]

Borut Savski: Življenje vzorcev | Life of patterns

– moire effects with computer (pd and gem)
– moire pattern generator (arduino)

Naslov je poetični opis avtonomnega interaktivnega mehatronskega omnidirekcionalnega projektorja spremenljivih vzorcev. Projekcija poteka na način dinamičnega oblikovanja svetlobnih vzorcev s pomočjo dveh superponiranih ... more

Flowers of Evil

Flowers of Evil
[Original at]

Produkcija KUD Trivia | Trivia Art Production | more pages by Borut Savski
Borut Savski – Prenapete strukture | Strained structures

Tensed Structures trio at The Gallery of Contemporary Art in Celje – group exhibition SCULPTURE TODAY IV: Performative Bodies and Spaces presented by the Center for Contemporary Arts Celje.

G... more

Tree of Life

Tree of Life
[Original at]

Borut Savski – Drevo spoznanja (Prenapeta struktura III)
Produkcija: KUD Trivia 2011

17. januarja 2012 ob 21.00 v galeriji Metropolis

Otvoritev razstave kibernetske strukture Drevo spoznanja v galeriji Metropolis (izložba Metropola; Kiberpipa) avtorja Boruta Savskega.

Tretja po vrsti prenapeta struktura je bila v osnovni obliki že predstavljena konec lanskega leta na... more

Oracle 2

Oracle 2
[Original at]

September 2010

Orakelj II – avtoportet?

V okviru projekta Poetični nastavki korespondence z Orakljem, ki ga je zasnovala Petra Kapš, se je uvrstilo tudi interaktivno delo / skulptura Orakelj II, ki ga je na osnovi pet let starega projekta na novo postavil Borut Savski. V kratkem lahko pričakujemo še posebno stran s kompletnejšim orisom “avtoportreta”.

Napisano je bilo tudi novo besedilo o za avtorja zanim... more

Borut Savski’s video on DIVA

Borut Savski’s video on DIVA
[Original at]


Savski, Borut No. 832 “Multimedia”

Artist: Savski, Borut

Title: Multimedia

Duration: 00:03:53

Year: 2008

Genre: Interactive Art / Installation Art / Performance / Sound Art

Production: Borut Savski

Country: Slovenia




Omnibus dokumentarnih video in fotografskih posnetkov instalacij in perf... more



 [Original at]


Strained Structures

Strained Structures
[Original at]

Produkcija KUD Trivia | Trivia Art Production | more pages by Borut Savski
Borut Savski – Prenapete strukture | Strained structures

Tensed Structures trio at The Gallery of Contemporary Art in Celje – group exhibition SCULPTURE TODAY IV: Performative Bodies and Spaces presented by the Center for Contemporary Arts Celje.




[Original at]

In october and part of november 2007 I (Borut Savski, Slovenia) was at residency in Istanbul, Turkey (project Light, Illumination & Electricity, Santralistanbul 2007), together with artists Adham Hafez (Egypt), Cynthia Zaven (Lebanon), Remy Rivoire, Renaud Vercey, Bruno Voillot (the three form the Collective Position from France), Marko Kovačič (Slovenia), Ceren Oykut and Cevdet Er... more



[Original at
also at]

Borut Savski – tretja od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – third of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore

Dancer / Plesalec

Dancer was presented at Kapelica Gallery/ Ljubljana on 17th of February, after a delay of a week, when an uncontrollable rotation tear out the ... more

Electric Jesus 2

Electric Jesus 2
[Original at]

Electric Jesus IIFirst occasion of Electric Jesus appeared at the TURNING SOUNDS 2 seminar, Warzsawa, may 2004. Check this link or here ../zvok_kot_metafora/.

Ideas are more or less the same, only that in this new materialization some more relations emerged. Together with some new reveletions related to the (conceptual)... more

Bowlfuls of Sound

Bowlfuls of Sound

[Original at]

Bowlfuls of Sound | Posodi polni zvoka

Posodi polni zvoka je bila predvidena struktura nastopa v Moderni galeriji v Ljubljani (september 2005). Kljub (ponovno) problematični izvedbi (gibljiva objekta – dve posodi, nista bila končani pravočasno…), pa sama struktura drži tudi za prihodnost.

Bowlfuls of Sound is the name of the structure of event at the Modern galler... more



[Original at
also at]

Borut Savski – Orakelj / Oracle

Žanr: Interaktivna zvočno-vizualna instalacija (postavitev)
Interactive sound&visual installation

as built & presented in december 2004/ january 2005 at Kiberpipa, Ljubljana

As seen during the building process in december 2004 What is mis... more

Sound as metaphor

Sound as metaphor

[Original at
also at]

Zvok kot metafora = Sound as Metaphore

object as concept – space as context
formation of an object (construction of conceptual body)
when does an object become a context (-> object is a space)
story as object translated back to time
Myth = meat
God = good
Man = mean

by B. SAVSK... more

Electric Jesus

Electric Jesus

[Original at
also at]

Borut Savski – druga od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – second of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore


Instalacijo sem zgradil neposredno med 45-minutnim (meta) predavanjem, ki je bilo že prej označeno kot performens. Objekt je bil le delno delujoč, vendar je b... more

Arms & Weapons

Arms & Weapons
[Original at]

Borut Savski – prva od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – first of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore


at the SKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, february 2004

Prav zanimivo je, kakšne identitete (oziroma pomeni) so se pojavljali pri realiziranju tega zadnjega projekta, ki je pravzaprav lepljenka – kolaž marsikate... more