
Sajam 3N / Palach Rijeka – 6+7.09.2019

Sajam 3N / Palach Rijeka – 6+7.09.2019

Borut Savski – kasni radovi / latest works

A brief moment from the event…

Sprave i objekti predvidjeni za izložbu=sajam 3N u Palach Rijeka – 6+7.09.2019

1. SI_AI midi piano (2019)

AI_SI Piano stands for a midi trigger device based on a touchpad system found in any laptop computer – brought to a form of an oversimplified instrument that acts as piano.

Piano is one of the two model instruments of 19th Cent... more

Tako umira Pravični II

Tako umira Pravični II


BORUT SAVSKI – Tako umira Pravični II (zvočno-vizualna alegorija)

Sočasna uporaba algoritmičnih in nesposrednih intervencij na zvoku, računalniška glasba z originalnimi fizičnimi vmesniki, svetlobni generator moire-efekta, zapakirano v alegorično zgodbo o koncu časa.

Menda je referenca znana: Kristus na križu umira za naše grehe – alegorija arhaičnega žrtvovanja bogovom. Nasilje, ki se izvaj... more

Posodi polni zvoka kot robota

Posodi polni zvoka kot robota

Pri projektu Marka Košnika Apres Midi (Po midiju; produkcija Institut Egon March) sta nastopala dva moja objekta iz serije Plesalci – to sta Posodi polni zvoka. Za ta namen sta dobili mikroprocesorsko srce in možnost daljinske kontrole. V strukturi predstave sta morali imeti predvidljivo obnašanje. Torej malo ali nič avtonomije. V svoji zasnovi sta imeli avtonomijo kot najpomembnejšo lastnost. Kot robota pa jima je marsikaj manjkalo.

Pri predstavi so sodelovali:  Mateja Bučar, Irena... more

Nevestina harfa // Bride’s Harp

Nevestina harfa // Bride’s Harp

Nevestina harfa // BRIDE’S HARP

Avtorji: Bogdana Herman, Zvonka Simčič, Borut Savski, Franc Cegnar, Miha Tomšič

Nevestina harfa je interaktivna intermedialna audiovizualna instalacija/performans (umestitev – postavitev), ki jo skupina avtorjev, poimenovali smo se Uzvočevalci, v svojih projektih razvijamo od leta 2009. Naše raziskovanje temelji na skupnem in hkratnem ustvarjanju večih ume... more



[Original at]

In october and part of november 2007 I (Borut Savski, Slovenia) was at residency in Istanbul, Turkey (project Light, Illumination & Electricity, Santralistanbul 2007), together with artists Adham Hafez (Egypt), Cynthia Zaven (Lebanon), Remy Rivoire, Renaud Vercey, Bruno Voillot (the three form the Collective Position from France), Marko Kovačič (Slovenia), Ceren Oykut and Cevdet Er... more



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Borut Savski – Videografika

Del dejavnosti v sklopih »evolucionarni video«, »generativni video«, »videografični principi«, »matematika jezika«… V zadnjem času tudi s pomočjo laserkih sistemov, ki jih gradimo v okviru Cirkulacije 2.

On-going preoccupation with areas described as “videographics”, “generative vide... more

Intermediate spaces

Intermediate spaces
[Original at]


The title Intermediate Spaces was borrowed from other usages (but almost none was conceptualized yet) for a double week long exchanges of artists with their projects from the cities of Graz and Ljubljana. Since both cities are of much the same size, they also produce similar self-sustained (urban) (sub)cultural structures. So we will most certainly see a kind of mirroring of the (human) roles and creations.


Distributed body

Distributed body

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Distribuirana telesa / identitete / sistemi

21st December, one-day long sound installation Distributed body at Mala galerija in Ljubljana (part of the one-month of events called Oscillations). Two computers playing algorithms made in Pure Data and a number of interconnections (audio feedback, midi-control, contact-sensors,…). Here are parts of identities as sound&#... more

Impro concert

Impro concert

[Original at]

Sometimes there is a need to make a concert, calling up friends, and performing live as an impro band. While each time there is clearly a need for a rehearsal, I find it most problematic. This is not music – it is communication. About music we know enough already…

Performance in KUD France Prešern in February 2005 (Dario Korteze, Borut Savski, Petra Tihole). All photos by unknown ... more



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Borut Savski – tretja od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – third of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore

Dancer / Plesalec

Dancer was presented at Kapelica Gallery/ Ljubljana on 17th of February, after a delay of a week, when an uncontrollable rotation tear out the ... more

Eye = I

Eye = I

[Original at]

Eye = IPerformance on 20th April 2005, P74 gallery, Ljubljana Šentvid
First version of performance in september 2004 at Merano, Italy

all photos by Črt Majcen

What is the joke (the yoke)?

One eye (the b/w video monitor) is the input (on the right) and the computer generated eye is the output (on the left). The small video camera is attached to my head and transfers the... more



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Borut Savski – Orakelj / Oracle

Žanr: Interaktivna zvočno-vizualna instalacija (postavitev)
Interactive sound&visual installation

as built & presented in december 2004/ january 2005 at Kiberpipa, Ljubljana

As seen during the building process in december 2004 What is mis... more

Sound as metaphor

Sound as metaphor

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Zvok kot metafora = Sound as Metaphore

object as concept – space as context
formation of an object (construction of conceptual body)
when does an object become a context (-> object is a space)
story as object translated back to time
Myth = meat
God = good
Man = mean

by B. SAVSK... more

Electric Jesus

Electric Jesus

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also at]

Borut Savski – druga od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – second of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore


Instalacijo sem zgradil neposredno med 45-minutnim (meta) predavanjem, ki je bilo že prej označeno kot performens. Objekt je bil le delno delujoč, vendar je b... more

Arms & Weapons

Arms & Weapons
[Original at]

Borut Savski – prva od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – first of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore


at the SKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, february 2004

Prav zanimivo je, kakšne identitete (oziroma pomeni) so se pojavljali pri realiziranju tega zadnjega projekta, ki je pravzaprav lepljenka – kolaž marsikate... more