2024: The Silent Movies: Po zabavi | After the Party

Otvoritev videozvočne instalacije “Po zabavi” Francisca Tomsicha in Boruta Savskega, v četrtek, 14. novembra, ob 19. uri, v Galeriji Alkatraz, AKC Metelkova mesto. Na ogled & posluh od 14. novembra do 6. decembra 2024.

Otvoritev videozvočne instalacije “Po zabavi” Francisca Tomsicha in Boruta Savskega, v četrtek, 14. novembra, ob 19. uri, v Galeriji Alkatraz, AKC Metelkova mesto. Na ogled & posluh od 14. novembra do 6. decembra 2024.

2024: Pianinino Concertos & Studies

Klavirski koncerti seveda na ravni elektronskega vmesnika z zvokom klavirja. Kljub temu odigrano skrajno resno pred živimi publikami z vsakič okoli 30 do 40 obiskovalci.

Klavirski koncerti seveda na ravni elektronskega vmesnika z zvokom klavirja. Kljub temu odigrano skrajno resno pred živimi publikami z vsakič okoli 30 do 40 obiskovalci.

2024: [Diskurzor 004] Konzervacija + restavracija – C2

9. januarja 2024: pogovor z Borutom Savskim, intermedijskim umetnikom, skladateljem in producentom, v Muzeju sodobne umetnosti Metelkova, Pogovor je vodil Jaka Železnikar, organizator serije Diskurzor.

9. januarja 2024: pogovor z Borutom Savskim, intermedijskim umetnikom, skladateljem in producentom, v Muzeju sodobne umetnosti Metelkova, Pogovor je vodil Jaka Železnikar, organizator serije Diskurzor.

2023: Herman + Savski : Pure Music

Čista glasba je tista, ki je povedna sama po sebi. Ne potrebuje vsebine / družbenega konteksta. Je ideja (ne potrebuje telesa?). Nastaja kot logična (cerebralna?) dejavnost (glava brez telesa?). Je ideal, ki se mu približuje z redukcijo elementov družbenosti (družabnosti?). Čista glasba ni iskanje naravnih vzorov ali naravnih virov – ni mimetična.

Čista glasba je tista, ki je povedna sama po sebi. Ne potrebuje vsebine / družbenega konteksta. Je ideja (ne potrebuje telesa?). Nastaja kot logična (cerebralna?) dejavnost (glava brez telesa?). Je ideal, ki se mu približuje z redukcijo elementov družbenosti (družabnosti?). Čista glasba ni iskanje naravnih vzorov ali naravnih virov – ni mimetična.

2023: SUMMER SONGS (Francisco Tomsich + Borut Savski)

2023: Castrati: Vibration speakers

With vibration speaker the sound is created by transmitting vibrations to any material of much larger dimensions than the vibration surface of the speaker motor. I used a special, particularly light wooden panel – folded into a cylinder.

With vibration speaker the sound is created by transmitting vibrations to any material of much larger dimensions than the vibration surface of the speaker motor. I used a special, particularly light wooden panel – folded into a cylinder.

2022: Dislociran duh | Dislocated Spirit

A body and sound collaboration between three performers. Ryuzo Fukuhara: Ples = dance, Tracy Lisk: Tolkala, bobni = percussion, Borut Savski: Dislocirana tolkala=electronic percussion. Recorded live at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana on 18th November 2022.

A body and sound collaboration between three performers. Ryuzo Fukuhara: Ples = dance, Tracy Lisk: Tolkala, bobni = percussion, Borut Savski: Dislocirana tolkala=electronic percussion. Recorded live at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana on 18th November 2022.

2022: Asinchronicity & The Cloud

Two occasions of evolving participation between Tatiana Kocmur and Borut Savski.

Two occasions of evolving participation between Tatiana Kocmur and Borut Savski.

2022: Stringify

These are some recent collaborations in sound. Soundtracks are excerpts from various situations from 2000 to 2021.

These are some recent collaborations in sound. Soundtracks are excerpts from various situations from 2000 to 2021.

2021: DIAcontrol midi system

This is an archive. The system was made on order: have six diaprojectors (two pointing to one screen) and a computer controlled slide triggering sequencer. Midi was used to cover long distances over normal cable.

This is an archive. The system was made on order: have six diaprojectors (two pointing to one screen) and a computer controlled slide triggering sequencer. Midi was used to cover long distances over normal cable.

2021: V:NM Graz 2021 & FriForma Ljubljana

Two improvisations-collaborations as part of V:NM Graz Austria 2021 and FriForma Slovenija. Seppo Gruendler (guitar & effects), Nick Acorne (joystick & computer) and Borut Savski (three turboflutes & computer)

Two improvisations-collaborations as part of V:NM Graz Austria 2021 and FriForma Slovenija. Seppo Gruendler (guitar & effects), Nick Acorne (joystick & computer) and Borut Savski (three turboflutes & computer)

2021: Huda ura: Remains of the day

Some remains of my Huda ura | Heavy weather radio broadcasts_netcasts from the archives of Radio Student Ljubljana

Some remains of my Huda ura | Heavy weather radio broadcasts_netcasts from the archives of Radio Student Ljubljana

2021: Intermedia Grill 006 w / Borut Savski

2021: Elektronika, mehatronika in programiranje

2020: Tech for NAME: POLICIJSKA URA (-> curfew)

2020: Elegy – soundtracks for a silent movie

2020: turboFlutes

turboFlutes are midi interfaces / breathing – not blowing instruments

turboFlutes are midi interfaces / breathing – not blowing instruments

2019: Sajam 3N / Palach Rijeka – 6+7.09.2019

Borut Savski – kasni radovi / latest works
Sprave i objekti predvidjeni uza izložbu=sajam 3N u Palacho Rijeka – 6+7.09.2019

Borut Savski – kasni radovi / latest works
Sprave i objekti predvidjeni uza izložbu=sajam 3N u Palacho Rijeka – 6+7.09.2019

2019: AI_SI touchpad Piano

AI_SI Piano stands for a midi trigger device based on a touchpad system found in any laptop computer – brought to a form of an oversimplified instrument that acts as piano. It was a fast idea from a recent real piece of a dream of mine. In dream i would just bang with my finger on a touchpad – and this sounded as a “veritable” piano (in dream…).

AI_SI Piano stands for a midi trigger device based on a touchpad system found in any laptop computer – brought to a form of an oversimplified instrument that acts as piano. It was a fast idea from a recent real piece of a dream of mine. In dream i would just bang with my finger on a touchpad – and this sounded as a “veritable” piano (in dream…).

2018: TwinSpeaks

Twin Speaks je umetna dvojica v dialogu. Dialog je sestavljen iz gibov in glasov. Oboje izhaja iz telesa in je pri živih bitjih zlito v eno – gib povzroči glas in glas povzroči gib. Podobno je dialog abstrakcija na ravni vzajemnega odnosa, kjer zlitje poteka med dvema v dialogu vpetima stranema. Gib dobi protigib in glas dobi protiglas. Seveda se lahko v idealnem primeru glasova tudi združita v eno pesem. Ali razdružita v nepovezano besedičenje.

Twin Speaks je umetna dvojica v dialogu. Dialog je sestavljen iz gibov in glasov. Oboje izhaja iz telesa in je pri živih bitjih zlito v eno – gib povzroči glas in glas povzroči gib. Podobno je dialog abstrakcija na ravni vzajemnega odnosa, kjer zlitje poteka med dvema v dialogu vpetima stranema. Gib dobi protigib in glas dobi protiglas. Seveda se lahko v idealnem primeru glasova tudi združita v eno pesem. Ali razdružita v nepovezano besedičenje.

2018: Sounds cloudy

Visual sound jukebox mixer / netradio – a random html5 player of mp3 files that the plugin finds on the site.

Visual sound jukebox mixer / netradio – a random html5 player of mp3 files that the plugin finds on the site.

2018: Disinformation + Savski in Cona

The second performance in ZVO.ČI.TI so.und.ing DUO 2018 series was with Disinformation + Savski

The second performance in ZVO.ČI.TI so.und.ing DUO 2018 series was with Disinformation + Savski

2018: Cirkulino 4

Cirkulino 4 is a midi sequencer based on Arduino UNO R3 development board. It is an advancement from previous ones – and is final. The pcb’s were ordered to be made to professional standards.

Cirkulino 4 is a midi sequencer based on Arduino UNO R3 development board. It is an advancement from previous ones – and is final. The pcb’s were ordered to be made to professional standards.

2017: Tensed structures at Robotics Preview in Trieste

2017: Travel guitar

…work in progress: the old rocking chair of my late mother became a guitar! The left and the right. Mother’s Bone…

…work in progress: the old rocking chair of my late mother became a guitar! The left and the right. Mother’s Bone…

2017: Passive audio limiter

Experimental approaches have victims: amplifiers and loudspeakers…

Experimental approaches have victims: amplifiers and loudspeakers…

2017: Dežnik sončnik vetrnik | Parapluie parasol paravent

2017: The real theremin

…work in progress: theremin is one of the first electronic musical instruments – from the start developed with the music in mind.

…work in progress: theremin is one of the first electronic musical instruments – from the start developed with the music in mind.

2017: Plečniks – Omnidirectonal loudspeakers

2017: Areal Vélez, Leskovšek, Savski – Argumental Landscapes

2017: Sveti trije kralji | Three holy kings

2016: Apologije za Mahniča

Mesijanstvo in žrtvovanje sta tesno povezana. Mesija, ki se ne žrtvuje ni pravi odrešenik. Mesija, ki ni nedolžen, je lažni odrešenik. Seveda sodobni svet ne potrebuje odrešenike, potrebuje pa nedolžne: potepuhe/ nomade, posebneže/ samosvoje posameznike, ki govorijo resnico, delajo po svoje in ne po njihovo, ne vstopajo v nesvete gosposke vaškomestne zarote, zavračajo gospodstvo, omogočajo in ne onemogočajo, zagotavljajo pluralnost in ne pridigajo nasilja.

Mesijanstvo in žrtvovanje sta tesno povezana. Mesija, ki se ne žrtvuje ni pravi odrešenik. Mesija, ki ni nedolžen, je lažni odrešenik. Seveda sodobni svet ne potrebuje odrešenike, potrebuje pa nedolžne: potepuhe/ nomade, posebneže/ samosvoje posameznike, ki govorijo resnico, delajo po svoje in ne po njihovo, ne vstopajo v nesvete gosposke vaškomestne zarote, zavračajo gospodstvo, omogočajo in ne onemogočajo, zagotavljajo pluralnost in ne pridigajo nasilja.

2016: Vračnica in bali (Herman & Savski) 2016

Bogdana Herman in Borut Savski sva leta 2010 zasnovala projekt Novokomponiranih slovenskih ljudskih. V letu 2016 nadaljujeva s projektom, ki poteka v sodelovanju s KUD Trivia in Cirkulacijo 2. “Edini prostor, kjer najina glasba ne zazveni, je prazen prostor v glavi!”. (bs)

Bogdana Herman in Borut Savski sva leta 2010 zasnovala projekt Novokomponiranih slovenskih ljudskih. V letu 2016 nadaljujeva s projektom, ki poteka v sodelovanju s KUD Trivia in Cirkulacijo 2. “Edini prostor, kjer najina glasba ne zazveni, je prazen prostor v glavi!”. (bs)

2016: BorutSub | turboSub / lateral transmission line subwoofer system

2016: Harry F. Olson – Acoustical Engineering

The bible of acoustics. The pdf is of a book which i read a lot at the Technical library of the University of Ljubljana in the early 1980s. First published in May 1957 – based on an earlier work entitled Elements of Acoustical Engineering

The bible of acoustics. The pdf is of a book which i read a lot at the Technical library of the University of Ljubljana in the early 1980s. First published in May 1957 – based on an earlier work entitled Elements of Acoustical Engineering

2016: AND Rijeka / ATT C2 – access to tools fair

Borut Savski: small arduino systems/ gadgets

Borut Savski: small arduino systems/ gadgets

2015: Tako umira Pravični II

Menda je referenca znana: Kristus na križu umira za naše grehe – alegorija arhaičnega žrtvovanja bogovom. Nasilje, ki se izvaja na preseku dveh nasprotnih pravičniških pozicij. Svet hibridnih realnosti – red je kaos in kaos je red – popolnoma nepregledno.

Menda je referenca znana: Kristus na križu umira za naše grehe – alegorija arhaičnega žrtvovanja bogovom. Nasilje, ki se izvaja na preseku dveh nasprotnih pravičniških pozicij. Svet hibridnih realnosti – red je kaos in kaos je red – popolnoma nepregledno.

2015: IBALLS & iballs

2015: A thing with noname?

Festival PixxelPoint 2015 v Novi Gorici
Things have names, when useful and used. The things keep their name when they are recognizable by their former function – even if they are later put in a different context. Such as, for example, a gallery. The drainpipe is still a drainpipe, the toilet bowl is still a toilet bowl.

Festival PixxelPoint 2015 v Novi Gorici

Things have names, when useful and used. The things keep their name when they are recognizable by their former function – even if they are later put in a different context. Such as, for example, a gallery. The drainpipe is still a drainpipe, the toilet bowl is still a toilet bowl.

2015: Wardenclyffe Tower

je parafraza na preokupacijo Nikole Tesla, ki je na prelomu v 20. stoletje v ZDA postavil eden prvih brezžičnih oddajnikov (-> Wardenclyffe Tower). Njegovo vzporedno idejo o enem radijskem oddajniku za cel svet, ki je bila brez dvoma tedaj humanistična, vendar je v zgodovinski perspektivi fašistična (na drugi strani je množica “volksempfaengerjev”), uporabim na način sodobnega ljudskega sprejemnika – “kreiraj sam svojo glasbo”. Torej inverzija originalnega principa, ki pa je sodobni humanistični princip. Wardenclyffe T je glasbeni instrument, ki proizvaja omenjeno skladbo.

je parafraza na preokupacijo Nikole Tesla, ki je na prelomu v 20. stoletje v ZDA postavil eden prvih brezžičnih oddajnikov (-> Wardenclyffe Tower). Njegovo vzporedno idejo o enem radijskem oddajniku za cel svet, ki je bila brez dvoma tedaj humanistična, vendar je v zgodovinski perspektivi fašistična (na drugi strani je množica “volksempfaengerjev”), uporabim na način sodobnega ljudskega sprejemnika – “kreiraj sam svojo glasbo”. Torej inverzija originalnega principa, ki pa je sodobni humanistični princip. Wardenclyffe T je glasbeni instrument, ki proizvaja omenjeno skladbo.

2015: Metina lista: Borut Savski, graditelj strojev

Borut Savski. Graditelj strojev – umetnik, programer, elektronik, po sili razmer mehanik, pogojno glasbenik, do nedavna tudi graditelj socialnih mrež (na klasičen način) – tudi neke vrste strojev, zadnje čase pa malo otožen – kam gre ta svet

Borut Savski. Graditelj strojev – umetnik, programer, elektronik, po sili razmer mehanik, pogojno glasbenik, do nedavna tudi graditelj socialnih mrež (na klasičen način) – tudi neke vrste strojev, zadnje čase pa malo otožen – kam gre ta svet

2014: “Vrednota” ni enako “vrednost”

Problem tega sveta je, da vedno večji del ustvarjalnih ljudi ni ustrezno vključen v sistem sociale in ekonomije. Da je polje svobode in ustvarjanja vedno manjše, ker je determinirano s pozicijo izvzetosti iz ekonomije in s tem tudi iz sociale. Zasužnjenost v polju ekonomije (in sociale) pa je vedno večja.

2014: Hibridne realnosti

Pred časom sem v nekem tiskanem mediju naletel na komentar, ki se dotika trenutne družbene situacije v Sloveniji. Avtor je povzel mnenje nekega beograjskega misleca, da je najhujše kar se je zgodilo (v Srbiji) razgradnja družbenega tkiva – uničenje socialnih vezi, ki so povezovale različne družbene sloje, skupine – vertikalno in horizontalno. Torej predvsem razgradnja zavesti o medsebojni povezanosti in posledično: odsotnost družbene empatije.

2014: Posodi polni zvoka kot robota

2014: Reminiscence na Prenapete strukture

2014: XG midi synth

2013: Levo pogromaštvo?

V odgovor na nekritično objavo sporočila za javnost v časniku Delo “Nadstandardni komite Rogovcev prevzel odgovornost za drzno tatvino”

V odgovor na nekritično objavo sporočila za javnost v časniku Delo “Nadstandardni komite Rogovcev prevzel odgovornost za drzno tatvino”

2013: Life of patterns

2013: WordPress plugins

As a user of Wordpress cms system I needed to look into plugins – as additional modules are called. Plugins allow many specific functions, Often one has to adapt them in order to get what is needed.

2013: Organism of sound – Sound of organism

Cirkulacija 2 – Total Art Platform: Zvok organizma – Organizem zvoka – mednarodni mini-festival, ki se ukvarja z mejnimi področji med umetnim in naravnim, vprašanji inteligence, socialnosti in življenja skozi metaforo zvoka. Pri vsem tem je zanimiva predvsem nejasnost pojmov na tem mejnem področju – življenje, inteligenca, naravno, umetno, zvok, glasba, estetika kot bazično zaznavanje ali tudi že kot kvalitativni presežek običajne pojavnosti – in celo: umetnost ali ne. Torej: organizem, organizacija, kompozicija, vzorci, struktura, nestruktura, kaos, nered – zapognjeno na začetek.

Cirkulacija 2 – Total Art Platform: Zvok organizma – Organizem zvoka – mednarodni mini-festival, ki se ukvarja z mejnimi področji med umetnim in naravnim, vprašanji inteligence, socialnosti in življenja skozi metaforo zvoka. Pri vsem tem je zanimiva predvsem nejasnost pojmov na tem mejnem področju – življenje, inteligenca, naravno, umetno, zvok, glasba, estetika kot bazično zaznavanje ali tudi že kot kvalitativni presežek običajne pojavnosti – in celo: umetnost ali ne. Torej: organizem, organizacija, kompozicija, vzorci, struktura, nestruktura, kaos, nered – zapognjeno na začetek.

2013: Artist’s fee

Mnenje ob prebiranju članka Razstavnine kot socialni korektiv? Lilijane Stepančič z dne 17. 05. 2013, Delo Pogledi
Na pisanje Lilijane Stepančič se odzivamo kot umetniki, ki se v poslovnem odnosu neposredno srečujemo z galerijami, kulturnimi organizacijami in javnimi zavodi ter kot člani iniciative Odprta zbornica za sodobno umetnost, pri kateri želimo v dialogu reševati težave, ki jih v praksi srečujemo.

2013: Cirkulino workshop at SGMK Zürich, etc.

2012: Nevestina harfa // Bride’s Harp

2012: Newly composed album

2012: Cirkulino

Cirkulino is a midi sequencer made as a shield for arduino UNO board.

Cirkulino is a midi sequencer made as a shield for arduino UNO board.

2011: Tree of Life

2010: Total Art Platform by Cirkulacija 2

Regular activities is the only solution to overcome the leasure time  – amateur –  artistic activities, and provide – for the active participants – a greater number of “living art” experiences…

Regular activities is the only solution to overcome the leasure time – amateur – artistic activities, and provide – for the active participants – a greater number of “living art” experiences…

2010: Newly composed Slovene folk songs

2010: DeviceArt in Tokyo

2010: Oracle 2

2009: Borut Savski’s video on DIVA

2009: DIVA

2009: Strained Structures

2009: Being

2009: Reality show

Cirkulacija 2 as a part of Netart Community Convention (NCC), from 24th to 29th November, 2009 uin Graz – at multimedia lab MedienKunstLabor in KunstHaus Graz. The topic of NCC is web 2.0 critical discourse (the mass phenomena of web logs and of social nets), and lets try to find some points for further thinking.

Cirkulacija 2 as a part of Netart Community Convention (NCC), from 24th to 29th November, 2009 uin Graz – at multimedia lab MedienKunstLabor in KunstHaus Graz. The topic of NCC is web 2.0 critical discourse (the mass phenomena of web logs and of social nets), and lets try to find some points for further thinking.

2009: Precarious dreams: Rog factory

2008: Etnobanda: MetastazaB – Omnibus

2007: Trivia Records

2007: Etnobanda: MetastazaA – Broken Beauty

2007: Sisters Karamazov

2007: Videographics

2007: Reflector

2007: Cirkulacija 2

2007: Etnobanda

2007: Fluidity of space

2007: Art of Balancing

A figure of a ballet dancer standing on toes of one foot is an archetypal symbol of human’ aspiring to perfection (»moving, looking upwards, uplifting«), which was transformed into a ballet technique of dancing on toes in the »classical« bourgeois art of the 19th century. It was during that time »that the aspiration to God« was being increasingly replaced by the »aspiration to perfection« in all areas of creativity.

A figure of a ballet dancer standing on toes of one foot is an archetypal symbol of human’ aspiring to perfection (»moving, looking upwards, uplifting«), which was transformed into a ballet technique of dancing on toes in the »classical« bourgeois art of the 19th century. It was during that time »that the aspiration to God« was being increasingly replaced by the »aspiration to perfection« in all areas of creativity.

2006: Intermediate spaces

2006: Basic questions

The project is a paraphrase of the title of the painting by Paul Gauguin (Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?, 1897/98), that (seemingly, at least to me) wanted to move the pivot of art from aesthetics to ethics. After more than a hundred years it looks like art has managed to get rid of the beautiful and is now dealing with questions of human existance.

The project is a paraphrase of the title of the painting by Paul Gauguin (Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?, 1897/98), that (seemingly, at least to me) wanted to move the pivot of art from aesthetics to ethics. After more than a hundred years it looks like art has managed to get rid of the beautiful and is now dealing with questions of human existance.

2005: Bowlfuls of Sound

2005: Dancer

2005: Impro concert

2005: Eye = I

2005: Electric Jesus 2

2005: Problemloss Orchestra

2005: Distributed body

2004: Oracle

2004: Sound as metaphor

2004: Electric Jesus

2004: Arms & Weapons

2004: Suitcase

2004: Theremicro

2004: Trivia Art

Marija Mojca Pungercar, Borut Savski and Marjan Kokot established Trivia Art Association in 2004. The main activity of the Trivia Art Association is directed to the creation, supporting and production the art projects of its members and collaborators with the emphasis of the contemporary visual and intermedia production.

Marija Mojca Pungercar, Borut Savski and Marjan Kokot established Trivia Art Association in 2004. The main activity of the Trivia Art Association is directed to the creation, supporting and production the art projects of its members and collaborators with the emphasis of the contemporary visual and intermedia production.

2003: Aestetic Machines

2003: Analog electronics

2003: Trubo=zlata truba

2002: Sonic Point of View

2001: Round table

2000: Turborebop

1999: Sound Biotope

1998: SimpleMixer

1998: Huda ura

1998: Infrastructures

are chosen excerpts from radio- and related activities I was heartily involved in -> most of the files are also in ‘zip’ form – so they can be downloaded/ recorded to a cassette (for instance) for personal use. The authorship is of course of the people involved

are chosen excerpts from radio- and related activities I was heartily involved in -> most of the files are also in ‘zip’ form – so they can be downloaded/ recorded to a cassette (for instance) for personal use. The authorship is of course of the people involved

1997: Midi Conversions – Midi2Happy

1997: Pseudo quadro mixer

This audio mixer is a bit special. It has the ability to add and subtract each of the six stereo channels and the resulting (L+R, L-R, 2xL, 2xR) outputs are sent to four amplifiers and loudspeakers. It can be used as normal stereo mixer also. I finished it in 1997. It was used for Biotope installation.

This audio mixer is a bit special. It has the ability to add and subtract each of the six stereo channels and the resulting (L+R, L-R, 2xL, 2xR) outputs are sent to four amplifiers and loudspeakers. It can be used as normal stereo mixer also. I finished it in 1997. It was used for Biotope installation.

1997: InterFaces

My first homepage with links to individual projects

My first homepage with links to individual projects

1995: Concretizations

Conkretizations are the results of first attempts to re-introduce some experimental sound production in the studios of Radio Student Ljubljana. Initiated by Borut Savski and Marko Košnik, Ex-studio was an introduction to some of the activities that followed – the Ministry of experiment

Conkretizations are the results of first attempts to re-introduce some experimental sound production in the studios of Radio Student Ljubljana. Initiated by Borut Savski and Marko Košnik, Ex-studio was an introduction to some of the activities that followed – the Ministry of experiment

1993: Tube amplifier

The Harp of New Albion
A somehow poetic name relates to the rich harmonic content of tube amplifiers (and to the piano piece by American composer Terry Riley).
I wanted to build one for years and it came to life a decade later (with the know-how). It came to life with a realization that it is all the truth (the musicality of the vacuum tube).

The Harp of New Albion

A somehow poetic name relates to the rich harmonic content of tube amplifiers (and to the piano piece by American composer Terry Riley).

I wanted to build one for years and it came to life a decade later (with the know-how). It came to life with a realization that it is all the truth (the musicality of the vacuum tube).